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  • I'm as close to Camden as I'm willing to get.

    I've only been to Wildwood once, a long time ago. What has changed about it? When I was there it didn't seem much like a tourist trap to me. Not nearly as much as AC or Ocean city are. It seemed more fishing town at the time.
    Thank you. You're an awesome person too.

    I'm about 20 minutes outside Philadelphia. Are you from the area as well?
    You're welcome.

    I'm surprised you accepted since our only conversation has been about drunkin sheep shearing. :D
    Glad to hear you like it! It is addicting, I hope you don't have 3 exams coming up like I did when I found it. ::p:
    *phew* I was worried. Now I sort of hope he doesn't get power for a few more days, I kinda like the pitch black comic style :D
    I just went to read QC, and it's down due to the massive snowstorm that hit Mass! :eek:
    Getting out there if you manage through the early tough times will be much better - online classes though easier, will not challenge your SA :) I know from experience. I understand living there with allergies what allergies do you have? That is frustrating... dorms generally suck... is it possible to live at home and commute or anything? That's what I did when I transferred to university. GE classes generally harder to socialize, at least beyond the classroom. Anyways taking online classes is good, but don't want to get trapped in the mode of taking them :) Anyways still time to see and decide these things, at the end of the day, gotta do what you gotta do as they say; ya don't want to feel miserable and crappy - but it's still early :D *hugs*
    I got nosy and read over at your response to MrJones. :D It's only been a few months... trust me... things get better, just it takes time. And socially can be the slowest, esp with GE classes. Now, where would you transfer to? If it's something you really feel you need to do, do it especially if you're not liking the school. You can always change your living situation if it's your dorm/mates next semester.

    Anyways *hugs* hope things get better.
    College can be hard... maybe you need a bit more time?
    Think it twice before doing it, whatever you choose to do I wish you the best of luck :)
    Whoa, that was fast! Haha. You're welcome.

    I want to try and make lots of friends here and you seem cool, so that was a given. :)
    OMG THAT IS MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME!! lol I own all the dvd sets and i fricken love Sam and Dean!!
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