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    Oh, thats not good. Usually the only one who bugs me is my older sister. She doesn't like me not working, even if Im a full time student. Hell the military pays for everything I dont have to work but whatever.
    Hey cheer up, heres a funny picture :p

    I think Im gonna wait until tomorrow and do it all lol. I'll have the whole day. Man I gotta start looking into internships and stuff. You havent gotten to that point yet have you? Im not even sure where to start.
    I should be doing homework too instead of goofing around on SPW x_x
    Thanks again. Sometimes we just need to hear it :)
    Thats the point I was trying to make there, but that girl decided she wanted to speak for women everywhere saying male shyness was a turn off. If thats her personal taste fine, I dont care, but thats very depressing to say that to a forum full of shy men who already have self esteem issues. Like my mother always taught me, if you've got nothing useful to say then dont say anything. And thanks btw
    Nope I'm officially too depressed now thanks to the conversation about shy dudes now. Hate this ****ing world...
    Meh they still gave me work to do while I was off. Kinda defeats the purpose of a break. What are you doing tonight? Gah Im bored!!!
    Right now Rage, Dead Island and Duke Nukem. I'm trying to get some time in before Fall Break ends since the professors dont like me having free time. Plus I have no life so this is my escape from the world lol
    What can I say. Unlimited power does sound quite intoxicating >:] On a side note, I've fallen waaay behind on that. Been playing too many games >.<
    Same. Why I haven't been really active forum wise. I tend to go to a hemit mode and avoid things :D Hopefully I'm coming out of that. Hope you feel better and school is going well... it's natural to go through ups and downs like that, despite the non-simple reasonings behind it :)
    No problem. Hope you're having a good day... and that tomorrow will be even better :)
    I had fun with my Zoology presentation since I brought a ton of disgusting photos to share haha
    My doctor gave me some tranquillizers to deal with my anxiety but Im gonna save them for emergencies like that. I've done a few and came out alive, but it was extremely stressful and my knees would tremble every time...Chemistry might be a little easier. You dont have to be charismatic or even interesting when presenting science. A lot of people may not even pay attention unless they're big science geeks.
    I would like to learn how to meditate. Maybe it would help with my depression when Im in one of those really low periods like I was Saturday night. I didnt think about that stretching part. My friend Chris used to torture me in Taekwondo class with stretching. He'd do that thing where you sit in front of a person and spread their legs apart with your feet. Thats the most horrible feeling on Earth. Have you given many oral presentations yet in school? I swear every class I have has one of those at the end of the semester
    Oh man, they're stone cold to you guys over there. Only 4 days?! I get the whole week off lol. To anerswer your question, Im in Botany, Gen Chem, Pre calc and Japanese. Japanese is actually the easiest >.< Chem is whats hurting me right now. I just dont understand all that mess about quantum states and electron orbitals. It all sounds like gobbledygook to me. What else are you in? You have a major yet?
    Lol how the heck did you get to see it so fast? Anyways, it's going ok. This semester has been tough though since I have so many labs. Its ridiculous. You guys dont have Fall Break soon? o.o Mine starts next week. Not sure when midterms are, I shudder to think of it
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