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  • You can because I believe that you can, so you should too. Trust yourself and your abilities! Sharpen up those skills of yours so you can show off to your future husband;)!
    Cool! But, you know, an extraordinary person can't make ordinary things;)! Even if they are regular cupcakes, your hands will craft them in such a way that your fellow angels will be falling to taste them::p:!
    Since it's Thanksgiving, we could have some turkey and other favorites. For dessert, we could have a wedding cake;).
    You can always try though::p:!

    So, you're going to cook dinner? Alright! Some home-cooked food from your delicate hands will be just what the love doctor called for;)! So, what are we having? Maybe I could help:cool:.
    I basically said that you may be smart, but I'm smarter. When it comes to you vs. me, I always come out on top:D!

    But, that's not important at the moment. What's important is what we're going to eat;). What kind of food and drinks do you like? Would you like to eat when the sun is out, warming everythng up, or in the moonlight, where I can be surrounded by a beautiful sky with an even more beautiful woman:cool:?
    Well, aren't you just a Light Yagami in the making:rolleyes:? But, can your plans stand up before the wits of Izaya Orihara:cool:?! I'll get you, even if I have to jump in that hole and restrain you::p:! But, after that, I would like to get to know you over some food and drink;).
    They'll last you over 60 years? Now, how would you find enough food to last you that long, how would you get that into your hole, and how would you preserve it? You can't eat rotten food now.
    You don't think that your supplies will last you until your end, do you? And that's not even counting the fact that I could just flush you out;)!
    You're my hero for being good at those things.

    You never have to feel the disappointment of watching a stuffed animal fall off the hook just before it reaches the chute. :D
    Sending a warm fuzzy hug your way :]
    It's the most dangerous city in the country from what I hear.

    You go down every summer still? What do you do down there? Do they have a boardwalk?
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