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  • Yu can try what I'm doing and see how it works. You see, I'm trying to look as many people in the eye as possible for as long as I can. When someone walks past me, I look them in the eyes and, when I'm talking to someone, I look them in the eye for as long as I can. I always try to beat my own record each time; I'm getting better, but I still have a long way to go. As for the latter, I think you may need some rebellion in your personality, teach yourself how to go against what others do. That should harden your spirit and add some tenacity/fighting spirit to you. But, ask any of your friends to help since they will be able to help you more than I can at the moment.
    I get where you are coming from since I can't look people in the eye for a long period of time. I could probably last 10 seconds at most. But, my family keeps badgering me and forcing me to look them in the eye; they time me and make me last for over a minute, all the while my eyes are straining themselves. It's helped, if only a little bit, so why don't you try that? Now, about standing up for yourself: you shouldn't feel belittled or anything by doing so. By backing off, you should feel belittled. It's no crime to tell people off when they're crossing the line. So, work on standing your ground. Add some ferocity and courage into your eyes. I wish I was face-to-face with you since this lesson is more of something that you have to feel instead of know.
    Yeah, I did. If I remember right, I think I got an A or it or something.

    Well, I know you can do it. Back at that time, my anxiety was far worse than it was now and my will was basically nonexistant, so you, who has the will and "comfortable-ness" to deal with it, should be able to do so as well. Let's see, I think that we need to teach you how to stare anyone in the eye, no matter how scared you get. Never back down from anyone that challenges you (with reasonable standards of course); if someone gets in your face, then stare them straight back and keep your face as courageous, powerful, and stoic as you may, even if the inside you is trembling in terror.
    Your art thoughts reminded me of something that happened in one of my art classes and I hope my response encourages you to come up with one of your own. You see, one day, I had to draw something in art class and, for some reason (which I'm still not aware of/care about), some boy told me that my drawing looked ugly and that I was going to get a bad grade on it. I replied with a sarcastic "sure" and then he got in my face, like he was ready to fight. All I did was sit there and look him in the eye and then he backed off and left me alone. The moral is to not care about what people are doing; if they are watching your moves like a hawk, then they've got way too much time on their hands. Go on about your business and let everyone watch as you create a beautiful piece of art.
    Do you go skiing or sledding?

    or maybe your like me and bury your dog in it until just her head is showing. ::p:
    YEah school IS school :) Staying for next semester or going back home? Good luck on finals! Study study study :D I'm okay. Been better, but been worse. Hoping holidays and Christmas bring back some good spirits!
    Doing great. Picked up a giant oatmeal cookie just now purely because your sig reminded me of how long it's been since I had one. It was delish, but if I start getting a gut, I'm blaming you. :D
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