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  • That's good to hear! I remember while living in Apple Valley, fires started near Big Bear and was starting to come down the mountain. The air was so ashy, they cancelled work! I am glad you are not near those fires :) But...I am sorry to hear about the internet and your car problems. That can really be very stressful to handle - coming form first hand experience :( Yes, do let me know how your psych visit went! talk with ya later!
    Hey you. How are you doing? I see those wildfires are raging out of control - looks like it's going to be a nasty season for wildfires. Are you near any? Stay safe and take care :)
    don't need a class to try it. honest, i swear. you can buy a cd, like jon rabat zinn, or just find a small snippet of 20 minutes or so of guided meditation on youtube. cheap cheap and just do what they tell you to do. like focus on a body part, then mentally release it. i know all about the mind racing....the more times you do it the easier it gets, no kidding.
    Well you said Crummy, in our visitor messages. Neither do I know what it means.. Haha XD

    Okay, good to hear ur okay :)
    hello, thanks for replying to me! no I haven't been to therapy, I am too scared to make the first move to go, I signed up for counselling through my university but I haven't yet attended an appointment, think it probs best if I seek help!
    That is very kind of you to say that ImNotMyIllness, thank you:) You are a good friend:thumbup:
    Thank you ImNotMyIllness. I think it is too late for me, but nevermind. Lots of people just have to stumble through life.
    Thank you. I just see it happen to others and no one ever says anything to me so I figured they ignore me because of that. If not I must do lack good social skills.
    That's great! It sounds like you are heading into a healthy lifestyle... :) I am still working out, but not as often as I would like. My meditation is improving, at least I am not going to sleep as much. LOL
    Hey man, thanks for asking! Well... I'm alive! So I guess I'm doing okay. How are you? Hope your situation has improved!
    I had a great time on Friday with family, then Saturday I worked with my volunteer peoples, which is always good. My second one is new and she is very Christian. I got bad news on Friday night, so being around my volunteer work was very helpful. What about you? How is everything going? and it doesn't matter if it is not much, I still wanna hear about it. :)
    That's good! I hope things work out for you regarding therapy. If that works, perhaps you won't have to go on medication. I don't like to take meds either. But recently, I was trying to go to sleep and all of a sudden I had a huge panic attack. I tried every trick in the book before having to resort to my anti-anxiety medicine. :( at then, I just took half and accidentally slept in! Keep me posted :)
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