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  • Hey, man, we're all human. As much as I hate to say it, I've seen some very attractive girls who would be struggling to reach 16 years! Of course, being 27, I would never do anything, but it's nice to have a look and realise beauty when you see it. :)

    I guarantee you that when I'm 40, I'll still look at 20-year-olds. It's just how we are.

    You're welcome, mate! Any time! :thumbup:
    Haha, fair enough. A girl would be lucky to have a cool guy like you. :)

    Confidence is hard, but we'll get there.
    Man, I could give two sh*ts if you're 40. You're cool as hell in my book! :thumbup: I don't know why that's even shameful to admit!

    If the 20-year-old doesn't like you, remember that there are girls in their late thirties and early forties that even a 27-year-old like me wouldn't mind dating! ;) You'll find someone, mate. I'm sure of it.

    I hope you're going well, anyway!
    hey there, things are going...lol. Baby steps, right? seriously though, things are ok.
    How's things going with you?
    Take care :)
    That's the spirit! :D Sometimes I do ok in presentations, but I do hate it very much when I hear people giggling. My paranoia starts up.
    Yeah, I try to tell myself that I'm not being criticized, it works for a few seconds, but out of nowhere I turn tomato red. Then all hope is gone at that moment lol.
    Hi :) I'm doing alright, thank you. And how is you on this fine day? Or evening, rather...it's night time where I am hehe.
    That's really awesome to hear! Well done for taking the initiative and working hard to turn your life around. It isn't easy to do, but then, when is anything easy really rewarding. I'd wish you luck, but it doesn't sound like you need it.
    Thanks, man. I don't know if any of that is necessarily true, but it's nice to hear. :)

    Paying money for dropped signals kind of sucks! Save some money if you need to. At least you can go to a cafe and have a nice coffee while you browse. :)
    You have to be one of my favourite people here, man. Keep up the awesome posting. :thumbup: :)
    I'm glad you're doing well. OCD is such a nightmare so i'm glad you're getting help with it. I really need to do something about mine but i don't know if i ever will though.
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