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  • Hey, sorry for not replying. I really hate talking to people about how I'm doing because it's usually bad. I don't like seeing people deal with the shitty information I just threw on them. But it's great to hear that you're pulling yourself out of a rut. I hope you've been keeping it up since your posting! Did you try therapy?
    I know is late but thank you so much for your message. Hope you are doing well! :)
    By the way do you know how I embed a youtube video into a post? I've been trying to figure it out!
    I know, but sometimes it just feels so unfair that we have this problem. I know I know life isn't fair, but it's like a curse. Why does this problem even exist? I don't understand life sometimes. Thanks though.
    Yup. All we can do is take small steps. As Mary Mary said in their song, "Go Get It," you gotta crawl before you walk, you gotta walk before you run!:)
    I have no choice but to be healthy. Yeah. I'm hangin' in there by the teeth! Lol. One day I hope that I can get a job too and get the hell outta here.
    Wow, thanks :). That's very sweet of you! I'm doing better thankfully, and I have faith that I'll be all fine some day. Hope you are doing well!
    Yeah. I will try to stick with my Dad until I learn how to be more independent. Thanx for the encouragement, friend. :D
    I'm doing very good. I just found out that my heart is doing pretty well which is awesome news for me. I also moved recently. I am much happier now. Only problem is that my dad annoys me badly sometimes....other than that its great here.

    And how are you doing, good friend of mine?:)
    Hello there. I am terribly sorry that I accepted your friend request so late. I haven't been on this site for several months actually. Are you new to these forums?
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