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  • Hey. I've just watched your recent black and white videos - you are great :) You should get a better microphone, your current one doesn't do you justice
    Hey! I am avoiding my life atm....typical. But jeez I got company in a few hrs and I have NO desire to meet new people in my house today. I have to clean up the place and be all smiles*pukes*
    ah well...
    the sun will come out tomorrow :) do you know that horrible Annie song? i have to stuck in my head lately and it's sooo awful!!!
    Hey again, floweriegirl, I've had an awesome day, thanks for asking! ^^ things seem to be looking up for me so far.
    Thanks for your new email. I'll add you as soon as I can get my stupid msn to work, alright?
    Thanks, hope to talk to you soon, have a nice day ^^
    saskia wil je me nog toevoegen op msn ? want ik wil het met je ergens over hebben ''belangrijk''
    yea i get panic attacks but this feels different, its like a prolonged chest pain that comes n goes.
    Aw sorry to hear she cancelled again, shes probably just far too nervous.
    Have you asked her if there is anything you could do that would make her more comfortable?
    hey saskia, yea thanks im feeling a bit better.
    Been getting chest pains past few days so if its like this on monday i may have to make a drs appointment :s
    hows you today?
    PS. u look pretty in ur pic! :)
    Jah ben goed op weg. xD Dankzij jou ken ik deze geweldige site. Maar het aantal posts telt niet echt hé, kwaliteit > kwantiteit. :)
    School is 'goed' te noemen, tot nu toe gaat het allemaal wel. Alleen heb'k voor Frans een verschrikkelijk sociaal mens als leerkracht.. ::(: Ze heeft geen medelijden met me, dat kan ik je wel zeggen. Jah, vind em wel goed, zeker z'n live optredens. Die avatar hou ik nog wel ff. :) Genoeg over mij, hoe gaat het met jou ? :)
    Oh, nice. I hear Emmen is quite a nice place. :3

    I remember seeing more people from Holland before, but I can't remember them. x3;;
    Helloo =)

    Good to hear, You sound like your having so much fun XD Im happy for you! Lol, Must have been a really good movie =) Yes If i watch a really nice movie it makes me feel great aswell :) I don't think iv heard those songs I might have to check them out, Ooo My favourite horror movie 1408/orphan/Exorcist lol, Yeah I only like horror movies when watching with a friend, I dont really watch on my own haha! I tried a few weeks ago but then I turned it off! LOL I don't really like to say my name in public lol just Incase somebody knows me ;) I;ll Pm YOU =) Haha sassy sounds spicy lol, My day well I woke up at like 1:30pm a late morning and only been up for an hour yet to have breakfast lol how about you sassy =) xxxxxx
    Hey there, doing fine myself. And you? ;3

    But yeah, I live in Noord-Holland, in Haarlem. That's near Amstersdam. :3
    I went on your youtube, and listened to some of your covers! You have a lovely voice and you look beautiful! Wow I would have never had thought you suffered from anxiety!! I like billionaire and Heaven =)
    Well Hello there :D Nice to see your words full of joy =)

    Lol it sounds like a funny movie, I have heard of it but never seen it. Far way yeah I love it, rockstar is great, I like if everyone card, Savin me, Someday etc =)

    Haha I know Borats Epic :D lol The Evil Mr Bean haha

    Hehe I like movies that make you think and feel and comedy of course and horror lol Theres a fair bit I've seen but theres lots that im yet to see ;)

    Today I've been home all day, Got a bit of work done Its progress anyway, Nothing amazing really Its one of those days, How are you sasssyy =)

    Hey, you can sing! I love that Fine Frenzy song, you certainly did it justice. :)
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