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  • Hi and thank you for your kindness. I know I'll be fine once I get used to being around new environments. No calls yet, but I am going to try to get a driver's license as soon as I can. I hope things are going well for you.
    Thank you. He was a great cat and was only around 3. My brother just buried him tonight. :/

    Thanks for the comments on the time lapse! I was hoping to go to another place, with a really nice waterfall, but no such luck. Maybe within a month or two! =D
    the ice just finally melted here, so I'm not planning to go out for awhile yet - no dry suit, just swim trunks, water shoes, t-shirt, etc. I can't wait to get out on the water.
    Silly question for ya. A friend and I have been 'constructively arguing' about the lyrics to the Fleet Foxes "Your Protector." Do you have some insight into what they mean or what is actually being said? :) The chorus in particular is iffy. We can't figure out if it is "as you lay tonight beside me baby on the morning that you came" or "as you lay to die beside me baby on the morning the shooting came." I've googled it, but each lyric website has it's own idea on the lyrics. Anyway, I was just curious.
    aww thanks so much :) cute av btw ^^, how are you doing dottie? :)
    Greetings, Saskia
    Thank you for the comment - nice to meet you :) You have such a lovely picture, cats are adorable!
    A lot of people want to know this recently. Wonder why.

    Southern Ontario. Near Toronto, about an hour from Buffalo, NY.
    Nothing too exciting, mostly just work. Although I did manage to find Waldo in one of those posters hanging on the wall in my local bookstore. Beat that. :D
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