General bad day, it will pass.
- Hours of traffic this morning
- We just switched offices so everything is a mess (discombobulating)
- I am responsible for making sure a bunch of random people in our team come in to fulfill a specific responsibility, all of which they seem to want to evade because it's, like, WORK. But if they don't do it, it's on me.
- One of the guys threw a bitch-fit toward me today. I guess I was too direct in giving direction and it made him mad. Plus other stuff happened that made him mad and he took it out on me. So, I apologized to him. (See how that works there, just one way)
- Had a bathroom... emergency. I hate going in public. #1 OK no problem. #2 no one in a 200 ft vicinity. It's the first week of school so everyone is everywhere, even the secret bathrooms WTH.
- First day of school, I showed up to class. It was my old teacher and he kept calling me out in front of everyone! He complimented my skills several times over and kept referring to me! Maybe 10 times? (Does he like to embarrass people or what?!) A new employee that I supervise happened to be in that class to witness all of this. Well, surprise surprise... I was in the wrong classroom the whole time.mg: I suspected so, but I wasn't sure until after he called role which was like 30 minutes in. He was cool about it and made it much less awkward on my way out the door than it could have been... Hopefully I don't get dropped from the class I was supposed to be in 3 hours earlier.
- More traffic.
That feels good to get it out. Thanks.
Rough day indeed, especially with the bitching guy and the awkward class situation. Sorry :/ A drink is definitely deserved. At LEAST one