Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
How many times in one night is it possible to wake up and fall asleep again? I would tell you, but I lost count after the 12th time... Stupid SI joint pain! *Grumbles to self* It's not even much of a problem during the day anymore... But at night it's terrible.

There was this one time where I would wake up every half an hour, starting at 4am. Not because of pain though, that usually doesn't let me go back to sleep. It was just because my dreams were so uninteresting that they would be concluded after 30 minutes and I would wake up. I blame it on some pill I was taking at the time.


Well-known member
Are our fears irrational?

that's a good question.

maybe it can be taken further by asking "are our fears real threats or perceived threats?"

this is where the subjective element comes in.

i think we tend to perceive fears more than other people. these fears are based on real events and circumstances however perceiving them doesn't automatically make them real or rational. so i think it comes down to how much or little we perceive a fear and whether or not this perception is justified.
Fears are ALWAYS "rational" if you will (in technical sense) - they are the direct consequence of our THOUGHTS, which can be rational (more-fact) or irrational (more-fiction). The "subjective" is of course one individual thoughts. The "objective" is actual events & past experiences.

Real threat --> Thoughts of real threat --> Feelings of fear or anxiety
NON Real threat --> Perceived threat (= Thoughts of real threat) --> Feelings of fear or anxiety


not actually Fiona Apple
Today I woke up sort of tired, and after learning my first class was cancelled I decided to rest my eyes for a little while before I had to leave for my second. After a while, I decided to get up and check the time so see if I had to go. Instead, I "dream" got up three times, going to check the time until I realized what the time was. Strangely, every time my microwave clock was in military time (which it isn't), said it was after 2 pm (or 14:00 something in military time) and never tipped me off that it was wrong until the third attempt. The first time I then went to check the fridge clock afterwards, which didn't seem to be working (and, in reality, doesn't even exist) I then went to the fridge freezer and took some meat out that were in these circular pouring containers that I must have accidentally stolen from work. Then the next time I went to my computer after, and was getting many strange messages, that at the time seemed odd but possible.

Then I finally got up for real and realized I was 15 minutes too late to leave :kickingmyself:
Sorry to be gross but for some reason I feel like I'm going to puke. I have that feeling that I sometimes get after taking a nap - achy head, dry mouth, gurgly stomach - but I just woke up from a night's sleep. And I didn't oversleep by much, not enough to feel sick like this I wouldn't think :/


Well-known member
Try fishing - on a hot day - alone.

That is quite relaxing I find.

I throw them back though - when they look up at me with their big fish eyes... I can't keep the poor little blighters. My little heart goes out to them... flappin around and all that.

Your compassion does you credit, Kia, but if that's how you feel, why go fishing at all? I catch a snippet, from time to time, of fishing shows on PBS—PBS, for God's sake!—beer-bellied rednecks waxing orgasmic over a beautiful creature they've just violently yanked from its natural environment, while it slowly, painfully suffocates in their hands. They call it sport, but it's really just sadistic. Maybe it's an American thing—I'm not suggesting that you're like that at all—but I can't help but think that there are better, kinder ways to relax.

Hey no hating on Murica. :sarcastic:
Not to worry. It's why we're here.:militarysalute:

As for nuking atolls, who doesn't like a day-glo Bikini?

Come to think of it, I knew a few atolls in high school whom I'd still like to nuke. :bat:


Well-known member
more fun facts about America:

the combined lengths of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coast shorelines of the 48 contiguous states is 4,993 miles

meanwhile, the combined length of the U.S. shoreline of the Great Lakes is 4,851 miles


Well-known member
Every late afternoon/evening I have thoughts like "f*ck it, I'm going to talk to that girl tomorrow". That sort of motivation actually feels good, won't deny it, but when the new day begins all that mood/motivation is gone. So I go through the day, if I happen to pass by her I'll just look at her and keep walking/doing whatever I'm doing with my friends. Then I go home, regret that I didn't do anything (because I'm both afraid of her reaction, of my friends' and making a fool of myself), and then it goes back to the beginning of this post. And the cycle just goes on and on almost everyday and it only stops if I stop caring about the girl or if I see her being more intimate (not sure if this is the right word) with some other guy.

The point is, I'm never able to break out of this cycle on my own.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
:kickingmyself: F**k! F**k! F**k! F**k! Why dae ah even bother, anymair? Aw am here for is tae please other people. Do as they say, because ye cannae yer family tae f**k the f**k off! Or, at least, certain members o' yer family, anyway. :thumbdown: Can't say "No!"
Indecisive. Submissive. Weak. That's me, awright! :eek:h: :sad:


Well-known member
So there's this cute girl that works at a gas station I frequently fill up at. I've seen her there for years, but I've never said anything to her besides just telling her how much gas I want to buy. I stopped for gas today. I payed with my debit card so I had to sign the receipt. As I'm signing it, she lets out a sigh, the kind of loud purposeful sigh that makes you think she's searching for something to say, and she says "I can't believe it's only 6:30". I can tell she's attempting to start a conversation with me. She caught me off guard, and the only response my socially-incompetent brain could formulate was "oh, it is?" and then I walked out of the store. Way to make a good impression. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Sheesh, sometimes I regret a bit being a programmer living in a large city. Getting a job is just too easy. Sounds silly right? But last week I was still working at one company, and for tomorrow, another one already invited me for a first chat, whether I'd fit into theirs.

I'd like to tell them "aah, sorry, I'm not in town right now, next week maybe?". But that wold be silly, so I told them "sure, thanks". Such talks always make me nervous. Especially in so far as I have the feeling of not being qualified enough for the job.


Well-known member
Today was the last day of summer. I can't wait for it to get a little bit cooler. It's been quite a brutal summer this year.


Well-known member
Your telling me, Australian summers I will never get used to.
I'm used to it, somewhat, but my God there were some scorchers this year. Now it's time to get into winter, where I'll be screaming "bring on summer!" again under layers of blankets. ::p: