How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel a bit ashamed of myself for liking songs that sound dirty. I heard some very catchy songs on the radio and I instantly liked the melody. I would inadvertently start humming the songs in my head. However, the problem is these songs contain lyrics that are way too risque for me. And I think the more I listen to these songs, the more some of the lyrics start repeating in my head.

Sometimes I wish I had better musical tastes. All those pop songs are so sexualized nowadays. I've tried listening to classical music but it bores me out.
There's a lot of sexual themes in pop music these days. Hell, watching some of the videos accompanying these songs, with shots of cleavage, butt, girls in impossibly small bikinis, and it's like I'm watching a porn movie.

Have you considered heavy metal? ;)



Well-known member
Yeah, me too - unfortunately.

Am also feelin' insecure, and ashamed. And depressed! :crying:
Feel under a lot of stress, which doesnae help ma Trichotillomania. :sad:
I'm sorry Graeme, hang in there.
There's a lot of sexual themes in pop music these days. Hell, watching some of the videos accompanying these songs, with shots of cleavage, butt, girls in impossibly small bikinis, and it's like I'm watching a porn movie.

Have you considered heavy metal? ;)

Meh, just realized I'm particularly not good at anything. I'm just kind of below average. Yay for having no talent.


Well-known member
There's a lot of sexual themes in pop music these days. Hell, watching some of the videos accompanying these songs, with shots of cleavage, butt, girls in impossibly small bikinis, and it's like I'm watching a porn movie.

Have you considered heavy metal? ;)

I've listened to Nine Inch Nails, recommended by a friend a while back, but it's too raucous for my taste, no offense to anybody. I couldn't even make out what was being sung. And here's something interesting from Wikipedia about Heavy metal:

Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are generally associated with masculinity and machismo

Don't know if this is true.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Sad, everything seems so pointless right now.

:sad: Sorry tae here that, Srijita. I'm having similar feelings maself. So yer not alone, darlin'.
Ah know ah've been feelin' more down about ma situation than usually. But hopefully things will get better for both of us. And, if ye ever want tae talk or just vent tae someone, ma inbox is always open, okay? :thumbup:

Maybe doing something tae take yer mind off feelin' depressed would be a good idea right now? :)


Well-known member
:sad: Sorry tae here that, Srijita. I'm having similar feelings maself. So yer not alone, darlin'.
Ah know ah've been feelin' more down about ma situation than usually. But hopefully things will get better for both of us. And, if ye ever want tae talk or just vent tae someone, ma inbox is always open, okay? :thumbup:

Maybe doing something tae take yer mind off feelin' depressed would be a good idea right now? :)
Thanks Graeme, I'm sorry you're feeling like this too. My inbox is always open for you as well. I don't know what to do, its 11.30 pm here right now.