dear coyote


Well-known member
Dear Coyote,

It doesn't hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time. This little test should help you get started.

During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be institutionalized.

"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub."

Okay, here's your test:
1. Would you use the spoon?
2. Would you use the teacup?
3. Would you use the bucket?

"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would choose the bucket, as it is larger than the spoon."
What was the director's response?

From me.

P.S. I will reveal the answer after you've guessed it.


Dear Coyote,

I am contemplating a dear Kia thread because I have lots of advice to give as well - however I am not sure if I should place it in the personal stories or the off topic section of the forum - please help me before I cut myself.

Desperately confused



Well-known member
Dear coyote,

Give me the meaning of life in 5 words or less without using the letter E. :)



Well-known member
dear readers,

please have patience - my assistant, Hubert, has discovered Skyrim....


we will be answering your mail as soon as possible
Dear Coyote,

Today I got the most amazing breakfast roll. Freshly baked bread roll, hot bacon, sausage, fried egg, amazingness! But then I ate it and it went away :( I'm feeling very emotional. I'm not exaggerating, this is the worst thing thats ever happened to me in my entire life :(

Distraught reader
^ Hmmm it lacks black pudding!

Black pudding uuuugghh.....shudder....white pudding.....uuuuggggghhhhh worse shuddering

Look here, I have a stance on this. You can either use the word 'pudding' to describe cake OR you can use it to describe intestines and scraggly innard bits but you can't go around using it for both! Its too confusing! I'm sure thats how the Scots ended up with deep fried battered haggis. It was all a terrible mixup.

I enjoyed my breakfast roll sans the bloody scraggly gut bits. :)