Do you ever wish you could die?


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I would never do it by my own hand because it would cause too much pain to my family.

But if I could give myself a terminal disease I probably would.

The truth is that my life gets worse by the day. I used to think that I could change it if I worked hard in school, got a job, made good money... but the truth is that those external objects won't change anything.

The only difference is that instead of an anxious, lonely college student who is dependent on his parents for money, I'll be a anxious, lonely professional who is financially independent.

The problem is me and my inability to form relationships with people. Nothing can fix that.


Well-known member
All the time, Tomasso.

but I do have a disease that will kill me.
It doesn't take any of the daily stress away, though.
Those feelings will always be there -I will always feel like I don't belong here, always be ashamed of who I am, always feel guilty that I'm not doing more to change things. < Those feelings stay with me, stuck in my head.

I wish I could say that it's easy to change; easy to want to live and to love yourself, but for some people moreso than others-- it's a struggle.
You just have to keep trying to find things you like and surround yourself with them.

You're not alone with how you feel, if that makes you feel any better.
I know plenty of people feel the same way.

We all will die some day. The real challenge is making the most of the life you have while you're still living.
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I always told myself: "I don't really want to die I just want to disappear but still be alive."


Well-known member
Every day.

I went through the suicidal bit a long time ago, and I probably never will kill myself but I don't think I will bother getting treatment for a terminal disease.


Well-known member
lately I think about it often. My biggest fear is to not be able to have a better life. its in my hand to change the things, but I'm too weak.
I often see myself when i see a beggar or junkie on the street. hope it never happens


Well-known member
I wish I could die. I can, and I tried. My family is not very happy about it. If it weren't for them I'd be dead already. I don't want to live, but I can't die because it would hurt them.


Well-known member
I day dream quite a lot about dying in accidental ways, like car crashes or heart attacks or something. Or doing something heoric like saving someone from a burning building and being killed in the process.

Not particularly healthy I imagine, but, in answer to the question... I do think about it, but if faced with the reality I would probably choose "no, I don't actually wish it."


Well-known member
Often yes, but to tell you the truth death scares the sh#t out of me, i mean i often wonder what dying feels like, is it like merely falling asleep and just not waking up? Do you see a tunnel? Do loved ones who have already deceased come and get you? Is there an after life? I hope there is an afterlife because the thought of there being nothing is scary, like you die and that's that.

I can't win either when it comes to work because when i am working i feel as lonely and worthless as i am now. When i'm working i feel as if i am working for no reason other than for money and wishing i had a girlfriend to spend it on. It sucks when your life has no meaning.


Well-known member
Often yes, but to tell you the truth death scares the sh#t out of me, i mean i often wonder what dying feels like, is it like merely falling asleep and just not waking up? Do you see a tunnel? Do loved ones who have already deceased come and get you? Is there an after life? I hope there is an afterlife because the thought of there being nothing is scary, like you die and that's that.

I can't win either when it comes to work because when i am working i feel as lonely and worthless as i am now. When i'm working i feel as if i am working for no reason other than for money and wishing i had a girlfriend to spend it on. It sucks when your life has no meaning.

True, but when you consider that you were perfectly fine with not existing for the 14 billion or so years before you were born, I doubt we'll particularly care when we return to not existing.


Well-known member
I often wish i could get help to die, i think there should be a facility where you can make along-term plan, say over 2 years, where you and your family and friends go to councilling, planning for death and preparing for the difficulties that those left behind will face after, with ongoing counsilling for those who want it. All in all i think it would be a more 'positve' experience, and wouldn't be as emotionally damaging for those left behind. I think it maybe even deter people from wanting to die, or make them change their mind, if there was a structured process for it.


Well-known member
hahaha maybe our society needs a perceptual change of death. Instead of mourning, it could be celebrated. Like somebody passing through to a new and better world.


Well-known member
I've tried to commit suicide, even though I don't really want to do it, who knows what I do, I just dunno thinking this anymore. but after that I think this is not the best way, I think I still want to make a wish, hope someday I could carve a trail in the world. Thanks I'm still alive~ 8'D

I day dream quite a lot about dying in accidental ways, like car crashes or heart attacks or something. Or doing something heoric like saving someone from a burning building and being killed in the process.

Not particularly healthy I imagine, but, in answer to the question... I do think about it, but if faced with the reality I would probably choose "no, I don't actually wish it."

I often see the ppl after an accident, it's horrible dude! Then you will look like in the Final Destination movie, or the Mortal Combat game.
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Well-known member
it's not that I want to die, but I just want to find a reason to live for. something that makes me feel like it's worth it to be alive

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
it's not that I want to die, but I just want to find a reason to live for. something that makes me feel like it's worth it to be alive

I totally agree with what you said. I just work then go home and feel how pathetic I am. Most people have hobbies and friends. I am useless and alone.


Well-known member
I used to, all the time. I had a loaded and cocked .38 revolver to my head when I was 15. But I don't want to die, I just want to live better.
Only when i'm severly depressed (which has been almost every day for past 2 or 3 weeks). Just so i could "escape" from my problems, & my very very limited reality of life. But today i'm feeling okay, good in fact .. and so :. i don't have that deep urge to wish i was dead like i've had all day, every day, for past few weeks. But then i believe i am starting a "new chapter" in my life, and so thats making me feel better about my life, more hopeful, less "stuck-for-eternity-in-hell".

I think how one's feeling in the present moment (ie current mood & feelings) tends to dictate whether one has those urges to die, & how strong those urges are. Fix those things, and the dying urges will vanish (?)
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I am sick of the life I'm living, and I want it to end. But I'm not sick of life itself, so I'm suffering this one while slowly working to move to a better one.


Well-known member
Everyday. I used to be such a health freak when I was a bit younger. Now, I could less what I put in my body. After going on the otherside, outside my comfort zone, all it did was make me more depressed and lonely to realize what I was missing out on.
My mom would always say things about how dangerous the outside world so that right there kept me in a bubble and afraid. Until I decided to take the bull by the horns and check things out for myself outside of my home and trying to meet people, things aren't so bad as long as precautions are taken.
Meeting people backfired real quickly when venturing out trying to make friends. I have no clue how to form and maintain friendships.


Well-known member
all the time, i just don't see a point to it really, perhaps if i didnt look he way i look, or act the way i act, or thought the way i think....just maybe if i wasnt me, perhaps this would be a life worth living. as for now i am just wasting space and oxygen, all the while making both myself and others surrounding me utterly miserable and at best subtly annoyed by my presence.