online dating

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Well-known member
Been talking to one person through messages for a little while, problem is she tends to ask something like do i have anything interesting planned for the weekend (which of course the answer is no every week), then by the time i've answered she doesn't reply for 5-6 days, so the next time it's the weekend again and asking the same set of questions.

Can never seem to work out how people actually have...interesting conversations... It's a mystery.


Well-known member
^ It sounds like the problem is that you haven't asked her out yet.

If she's asking what you're doing every weekend she's clearly hinting that she wants to meet up. And you're obviously not getting that hint. Ask her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has to be pretty frustrated at this point if she keeps asking you what your plans are every weekend. She's just going to give up at some point and stop responding to you all together if you don't make a move.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
^ It sounds like the problem is that you haven't asked her out yet.

If she's asking what you're doing every weekend she's clearly hinting that she wants to meet up. And you're obviously not getting that hint. Ask her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has to be pretty frustrated at this point if she keeps asking you what your plans are every weekend. She's just going to give up at some point and stop responding to you all together if you don't make a move.

Yeah I have to agree. Even if she isn't actually hinting, it does seem like a perfect opportunity to suggest doing something together at the weekend is presenting itself here.


Well-known member
Been talking to one person through messages for a little while, problem is she tends to ask something like do i have anything interesting planned for the weekend (which of course the answer is no every week), then by the time i've answered she doesn't reply for 5-6 days, so the next time it's the weekend again and asking the same set of questions.

Can never seem to work out how people actually have...interesting conversations... It's a mystery.

You could ask. "Are you doing anything interesting?"

*insert answer*

"Mmmmm......that sounds interesting. Can we do it together?";)


Well-known member
I had considered that after reading my post back, but I live quite a long way away from her, not exactly easy to meet up.


Well-known member
Note to self: Females might view you as a complete D-bag if you say you are only sleeping with a girl because it is good practice.....hmmm who would have thought?


Well-known member
Note to self: Females might view you as a complete D-bag if you say you are only sleeping with a girl because it is good practice.....hmmm who would have thought?

It's a pretty terrible way to treat a woman tbh.

If a guy wants to practice sex, he should at least be honest with the woman that that's what he's after. And the same for women who use guys for sex too. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who want some no-strings attached sex and would be happy to oblige. As long as they're honest about it, it's nobody elses business.

But some people actually do want a relationship, and they're gonna be really annoyed if they ever find out that all the whilst they were becoming emotionally attached to somebody, he was just seeing her as a stepping stone to somebody more attractive.

Well, what goes around comes around.

Again, if people don't have the courtesy to treat potential partners with honesty and respect, then they shouldn't complain if they don't get the same thing back. There's so much hypocrisy out there it's unbelievable.
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Well-known member
I agree with everything you say Twiggle, I was being sarcastic. The sad thing is that this is the mentality of my fellow males. I agree completely that it is a terrible way to treat a female. It is also ironic after reading the previous complaints about how women aren't honest with HIM.....All I see is hypocrisy personally.


Well-known member
I agree with everything you say Twiggle, I was being sarcastic. The sad thing is that this is the mentality of my fellow males. I agree completely that it is a terrible way to treat a female. It is also ironic after reading the previous complaints about how women aren't honest with HIM.....All I see is hypocrisy personally.

Haha, don't worry, I knew you were being sarcastic. It just triggered off a rant ::p: I'm glad, but not surprised, that you agree that it's a bad way to treat people :)

The same of course applies to women who use men (before anybody accuses me of being feminist. Which I'm sure they will anyway.)


Well-known member
Why are the sincere so far and few between?

I wonder the same thing myself.

I think maybe it's not because they're few and far between, they're just less obvious to see. Maybe they're the ones who are single but getting on with their lives and not flapping about because they're not in a relationship, because they're comfortable with themselves without resorting to messing the opposite sex around just to feel better about themselves.

I know they definitely do exist though. Harder to find maybe, like gemstones. I hope you find one, Sial. I hope I do too.
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Well-known member
Haha, don't worry, I knew you were being sarcastic. It just triggered off a rant ::p: I'm glad, but not surprised, that you agree that it's a bad way to treat people :)

The same of course applies to women who use men (before anybody accuses me of being feminist. Which I'm sure they will anyway.)

Well thank you Twiggle, that is very nice of you.


Well-known member
I made a profile,put my pictures and stuff just to see if I would get any answer,I think I look better in those pictures than in real life,my interest is friendship,I said that I am lone and a bit shy,I got 2 girls interested but they gave up since I didnt show many signs that I was live,I just turn into flight move I dont know why,also its hard,the demand is for outgoing and adventurous people,I like stability more.


Well-known member
Well, things are going well for me right now. Me and this woman are connecting well socially on our last two dates, and I had sex with her this morning. I am so happy that I had sex with her. It felt good to achieve that, because that was my main goal for the night/day with her because we already have been connecting with talking and other physical stuff.

It seems I'm seen as a jerk in this forum right now, and I can't disagree with that. Honestly, yes, I am using her. Yes, I am being a hyprocrite.

What I am doing is selfish, but the way I see it, things are going much better than they were before. I'm enjoying myself with this woman and she actually acts like she wants to spend time with me, which wasn't the case with any of those other women who were always "busy all the time."

It's interesting because I'm probably the most hated person in this thread right now, yet, I'm the happiest I've been. I've gone on dates with a girl and it's going well. I'm sorry, but I just don't care if what I'm doing is wrong. It's better than hiding in my house and avoiding women like I was.

I don't know what to tell you guys. I mean, i understand the hostility toward me, but things are going good, though, man. I've got a friend with benefits, haha. It's fun.


Well-known member
Does she know any of this? Because otherwise I guarantee she wouldn't be cool with having you use her.

Of course she doesn't know this. Of course she wouldn't be cool with having me use her.

I'm going to do what those other women did to me and lie and not tell her these things, probably. Very hyprocritical, yes, I know.

I think it's better than telling her I think she's overweight, though, you know? That would be even worse.
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Well-known member
I dont think you are the most hated person on the thread, I know I dont hate you. I just think you come off as a hypocrite. I also know that sooner or later this shadiness of using a girl as a stepping stone for sex until you find someone "more attractive" will come to an end and if you reach out for help and/or complain about things again, I personally will have no sympathy for you whatsoever.

That being said I am glad you are happy with where you are and all power to you if it continues that way.
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