Post a random fact about yourself...


Active member
I'm addicted to terrible VHS footage. They just don't make them... as terribly as they use to. It basically means Everything Is Terrible is my holy land on the internet. :D

I've had rheumatoid arthritis since I was 11 in both ankles, both knee joints and right elbow.

I can't swim.

I wear ear plugs when I sleep or sometimes just to help me zone out.


Manners and common courtesy is very important to me. I dont like unnecessary rudeness
(but then again who does right..?)


Well-known member
My old Jack Russel snuck out of the house, went into the street, and got hit by a motor cycle. He then snuck back into the house, and hid so he would not get in trouble for having gone into the street. (He found ways to get out often, and would get in trouble for this constantly.)

The guy that hit him came to the door, and told us what had happened. I found my dog with his paw skinned, and with cuts on him. He then went outside, and chased some birds.

Pretty sure my dog was the Chuck Norris of the dog world.

(we did get him looked at, and he was fine) :p


Well-known member
I found out yesterday my friend is already a sophomore in college. She's only 17. I thought she was a freshman! All those college credits she took in high school really paid off. I'm happy for her, she's always been so incredibly bright and extremely smart, but I'm still kinda shocked. I'm 18 and barely making it as a freshman in college. :rolleyes:
I am freaked out by octOpi and squid and all those weird things. They give me the willies. But I know that Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee loves them, so I saw this pic on Tumblr and it reminded me of him.

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AAAAHGHHHH!!H!!H!!!1! OCTOPUSES, dammit! It's a Greek word, not Latin. Pluralize it correctly, FIB. You even spelled the wrong pluralization incorrectly. And here I thought you spoke some decent English...

Edit: Also, random fact about me, I hate the "word" octopi... (because it doesn't exist)
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AAAAHGHHHH!!H!!H!!!1! OCTOPUSES, dammit! It's a Greek word, not Latin. Pluralize it correctly, FIB. You even spelled the wrong pluralization incorrectly. And here I thought you spoke some decent English...

Edit: Also, random fact about me, I hate the "word" octopi... (because it doesn't exist)

Random fact about me: I hate the world "octopuses." It's just as bad as mooses and fishes and deers, but it's an "acceptable" word because some dude in Wiscon-fullof-sin says so. Hmmmph. :rolleyes:
