The unanswered questions of the universe

42 is still the answer to everything right?

Indeed. 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. But the question itself is ultimately unknowable:

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened"

So it is impossible for both The Ultimate Answer and The Ultimate Question to be known about in the same universe (compare the uncertainty principle) as they will cancel each other out and take the Universe with them to be replaced by something even more bizarre (as described in the first theory) and that it may have already happened (as described in the second).


Active member
So if the universe is infinite if you kept travelling in a straight line would would go on forever? (forgetting about travelling speed, supplies and aging) How is that possible? But if it isn't really infinite, and is something like a big sphere of space, what is outside it? My brain finds it difficult to figure out how something can be infinite unless it just loops into itself.

Why are cats so cute?
Why are cats always smiling?
When are we going to hurry up and start colonizing space?
When will someone make a biosphere spaceship?


Well-known member
Why does history repeat itself?
We go to school and learn about how horrible people were to other living things, then we grow up and do the same thing


Well-known member
Where is equality?

This one pisses me off cause it sucks how some people have everything and others have nothing, what's the deal with that? If i could ask god 1 question, it would be that.


Well-known member
Where is equality?

This one pisses me off cause it sucks how some people have everything and others have nothing, what's the deal with that? If i could ask god 1 question, it would be that.

I agree 100% with that


Well-known member
Why is there life?
Why is life important?
How many other forms of life are out there?
Where did life start?
Why did life start?
If we believe in creation, who created God?

A friend

Well-known member
What are unanswered questions of the universe?

Post any unanswered questions you can think of, or answers that you know.

Anything from "Is there a god?" to "Why do men leave the toilet seat up? or down? or whatever it is we are doing"

Whether there is a god or not, there is no way to get people (who do not believe in these certain religions) to believe otherwise.

It's kind of like political views, it doesn't matter who wins or loses a certain debate, you won't be able to change your opponent's beliefs no matter what.

Therefore, you can get some people to believe in god, but not everyone.

There will always be somebody who is an atheist (or someone who believes in another religion), and no amount of proof can change their views, even if god is standing right in front of them.


Well-known member
Why is there life?
Why is life important?
If we believe in creation, who created God?

According to the Bible, God always existed. Hard to understand, but then again, most evolutionists believe that either matter always existed or it came to being out of nothing. So both sides have some mind-bending theories on Creation.

The Bible also says we were created to fellowship with God, to serve Him and other people.