what is the purpose of cushions?
To be lovely and match things as well as providing a cloud-like padding. (No that's not an invitation for a big debate on what clouds are actually composed of )
Haha. Maybe its just me but I was told never to sit on them when I was kid.
Why don't you hear thunder with heat lightning?
Why can't I activate yeast even if I warm my hands with heating pads?!
If there was a big bang and the universe was formed, what was there before the bang and if there was nothing how did the bang occur with no form of explosive catalyst?
My mind just exploded?
for baking? put it in a little hot water 5-10mins til it bubbles to a paste
would cats eat dogfood? or dogs. catfood?
Who was Jack the Ripper?
My dogs eat cat food and cat poo, cats can't eat dog food due to a lack of nutrients.