The unanswered questions of the universe

What are unanswered questions of the universe?

Post any unanswered questions you can think of, or answers that you know.

Anything from "Is there a god?" to "Why do men leave the toilet seat up? or down? or whatever it is we are doing"


Well-known member
Why can't I get a girlfriend?

The question which has puzzled mankind since the dawn of time :p


Well-known member
If you own the mineral rights, basically yes.

Why does every video on youtube have dozens of Justin Bieber references?


I'm working on the hypothesis that it's all some marketing thing. These people must be getting paid to go and mention him on every single video they can, plus then to like all of their collegues comments to get them to the top. Thus keeping him in the limelight, despite the fact that he's an extremely untalented little prick.


Well-known member
I'm working on the hypothesis that it's all some marketing thing. These people must be getting paid to go and mention him on every single video they can, plus then to like all of their collegues comments to get them to the top. Thus keeping him in the limelight, despite the fact that he's an extremely untalented little prick.

You sir, just made my day :D