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Please be more supportive of me. I'm suffering from enmeshment abuse which is harmful to me and my brain. Look up how narcissistic abuse damages the brain. And I'd also appreciate it if people didn't try to shut me down EVERY TIME I express my emotions. Abuse isn't a competition and just because someone out there is in a worse position than me doesn't mean I'm not justified in feeling upset about my own situation.
Don't fly away, Birdman.
I think of this comment every now and then. For some reason theres a somewhat haunting melancholic resonance to it that makes the poet part of my brain randomly remember it.
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I haven't seen that movie in years. Think I'll download it. Thanks!
No problem. The other night, you and I were the only ones online and that's what it reminded me of. XD
Oh! Hahaha! I guess I didn't realize at the time. I can't count the number of times I've logged on and been the only one here!
Have you heard from pug lately? I haven't seen him on in a few days.
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Nope, havent heard from him in a couple weeks now I think it is. I've messaged on here and on the phone but he hasnt replied
I think the 15th of May was when I last heard from him
Maybe he's just taking a break. He'll probably stop back in soon.
Where huv ah been ye ask? Absolutely naewhere! Ha! Hiya, btw. I've been cooped up in the house with my mum since this feckin' coronavirus lockdown/quarantine started here in the UK. So, we're bored, fed-up and quite agitated with no being in our usual routines. My mother misses going to shops. And am missing my oldest sister getting me outta the house & having a chat with her in during her work breaks.
On top o' that ma laptop went and crashed twice in the past 2 months - near the start o' April and towards the end of May, there. So I've been restoring it, making sure it's working properly. It's a pain in the arse when things don't work as they should. As a result, ah huv'nae really been playing, either, my guitars or my electric piano keyboard much lately.
Well its good to see you back in the forum again
I could swear that some sort of notification function has disappeared from this place. Also, I suspect there's a joke in the turtle pic thing somewhere but I would appear too dense to get it. o-O
It wasn't a good joke, anyway. Boredom and coffee are a bad combination, ha ha.
Hello Phoenixx, how are things?
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I worked in a factory the last 3ish years, and then transferred to this brand new job in November. A completely different environment and field, but honestly I think I'd rather be doing the (literally) shitty factory work. I was working with machines every day and I kinda liked it. I ultimately left though because it was physically exhausting and management sucked. I at least had friends there though. :(
The McDonald's life is well behind me at this point. Now I'm a database programmer for a little company that makes education software. Can't complain at all. And yeah, having people you like working with definitely helps.

Is it that you don't like the field as much as you thought, or just your specific job right now?
Oh that's good! Sounds like you found your niche. I like my field, I just hate my particular job. It's not entirely what I expected it would be, and I really can't relate to any of my co-workers since they're older than me. Plus I really don't like my boss, as she can be a very rude person. I did apply for another job in my field, but it's more along the lines of what I'd like to do.
Miss you. Hope you get on here soon. You were like an online mother figure to me years ago <3 please message me when you can Love
OMG Puma, I see you were online today, and I happened to pop in. I miss you
Oh hey there, long time no see. How are you doing lately?