Your motivation for living?


Well-known member
Helping others, and making sure my children are happy, and to laugh. Those are the only things I really need....... well that and mind blowing sex, of course that goes without saying.:cool:


Well-known member
I don't think what I do on a day-to-day basis could be considered living. I'm not dead I guess so I'm just living with no motivation.
i want to beilive,but i cant find that "something".

You must. No pressure though. With belief I think it must find you. Others may say otherwise. They are most welcome to do so.

I can only tell you what I believe. I will not. It is for me. I do not want to provide any potential corrupt thoughts to yours. It should be simple.


Well-known member
I keep going round and round with this question.

I haven't been able to come up with an answer.

I don't really have a reason for living.

I really want to have a reason.

But everything I look at as a possibility seems so pointless and/or selfish.

This has been depressing me for some time.

I just keep going through the motions.

I'm not even sure why any more.

we are all slaves to biology


Well-known member
I enjoy life far too much

there's too much music i havent heard, books i havent read, people i havent met

so much yet undone

Obstacle 1

Well-known member
The potential for new experiences and knowledge, now actually getting arount to aquiring either of those two is another thing alltogether


Well-known member
For things like this:


I don't get such a wonderful view too often, but the time between only makes them that much more special.

Unfortunately I also fed the mosquitoes while getting that pic, so my lower legs still look like I went wading in poison ivy. I stopped counting when I reached 30 bites on each ankle.

Oh, and just so no one thinks I'm getting soft in the last month of my twenties, I also live for things like the humor in this one:


That was about in the middle of a channel between a peninsula and an island. All rocks.


Well-known member
you could study some psychology and sociology books. We spend alot of time with ourselves, might as well find out why


Motivation for living?

Hoping things will work out, and all will get better..Just that little positive voice in my head that says; '' Everything will get better, in the end'' keeps me going i think.

Oh and music, Lady Gaga ofcourse haha..and maybe that i want a house on my own.
Frankly, at the moment my reason to live is pretty much just to live. 'Cuz I can pretty much guess being dead kinda sucks..

Also, my cats of course. And the dream of better future times..