Your motivation for living?


Well-known member
I still live because I know that there's at least one person who loves me and that's my boyfriend. Other than that, I guess it's my numerous amount of ideas for artwork that I just haven't put onto paper.

I don't really have much else to live for because really artwork and love are really the only things I can offer to this world...


Well-known member
My reason was always that I owed it to my future self to keep going. I was young and believed that things would work out if I just kept going. I'm no longer young so am on the market for a new reason to keep going.


Well-known member
My reason was always that I owed it to my future self to keep going. I was young and believed that things would work out if I just kept going. I'm no longer young so am on the market for a new reason to keep going.

This seems to be my motivation as well.

I'm not so young, either, but I figure I still have a good 40 or 50 years to go if I can stay healthy.


Well-known member
besides the most important person in my life and my cats, my motivation is the fact that in the past i had wanted to end my life and in retrospect, i would have missed out on so much that has happened since then. Some bad things, but a hell of a lot of good... that fact is what keeps me going now..
I just have to trust that i am here for a reason or else i would not have been born in the first place...


Well-known member
Motivation for living is doing great deeds making a change and feeling great for doing so whether its cheering or helping out someone who suffers from depression, ocd, anxiety, or giving to the poor or the sick. Also enjoying the little things in life is a motivation for living.


Well-known member
seeing a brighter day, ive been through so much that i dont want to die in this state.

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Death is the end of all possibility.
Every minute breathing is the hope of all possibility.
And at the very, very least... the next episode of "Dexter".


My main motivation for living stems from the time I tried to commit suicide. I will never forget that night as it was easily the most painful, terrifying, and just truly horrible experience I have ever been through. Whenever the memories are brought back I think how death is worse than living and at least if I am still around I can fight toward feeling better again.


I apologize for my answer being so grim, but from where I am sitting it feels like a silver lining that I do appreciate having.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
right now it's few things....

finding a girl who would deal with a hopless gamer (bad one at that) who likes chai tea, and will let me talk comics to her every now and then. some girl who understands me.

find this one game I used to play on sega dream cast, now I can't think of it.

reading: thano's quest, infinity gautlet, infinity war, infinity crusade, continue reading silver surfer comics until I get up to heralds of galactus then start reading those, read silver sufer: requiem, the first spiderman comics introducing venom and carnage, also reading the entire maximum carnage crossover, reading secret wars #2 crossover and reading the fantastic four issue that tied secret wars up.

move back to Texas ASAP.


Well-known member
It's kind of weird...but I enjoy life. That's my motivation lol. My problem is when I go outside and interact with others. But when I'm at home my family keeps me company (I'm not anxious around them at all) and when I feel lonely because I need some outside socialization, I get it through the internet. It's not perfect but I'm really content right now.


Well-known member
Right now, its 3 things:

1. my wife. Without her, id be lost, and nothing.

2. My dad. Comes close to my wife but not so much. Still very important.

3. My fear of death. Im a wuss. No matter how bad things get i dont think id be able to take myself out, im just too chicken.

Helena Dali

For things like this:


I don't get such a wonderful view too often, but the time between only makes them that much more special.

Unfortunately I also fed the mosquitoes while getting that pic, so my lower legs still look like I went wading in poison ivy. I stopped counting when I reached 30 bites on each ankle.

Oh, and just so no one thinks I'm getting soft in the last month of my twenties, I also live for things like the humor in this one:


That was about in the middle of a channel between a peninsula and an island. All rocks.
Since I have terrible insomnia I literally live for moments like that sunset...
Danger:Rocks, ha that sign was severely misplaced. :/