Your motivation for living?

I'd say my motivation to keep truckin' is just love and happiness. I may not feel like I have either at times but it's worth pushing on for another chance to feel either :)


Well-known member
For me it's pretty simple. I've stuck around this long, so I'd hate to leave before my story ends. And there's still so much I haven't seen, heard, tasted, or done yet. Hell, just thinking of all the places I'd love to visit is almost enough to motivate me to improve my life.

I was going to say I only live to become an Elite User, but (unless my calculations deceive me) I believe that this post takes that motivation away from me. But in a way, that's exactly what I'm living for: there's always something else, something new, something different, etc. Sometimes it's just difficult to see past the anxiety and depression, that's all.



Well-known member
My motivation for living is thinking that things will get better. I go to sleep thinking if something exciting will happen tomorrow. More often than not, it is just another boring day, but i'm hopeful. But I also understand I can't wait for something to happen, I have to make it happen. It's just really hard to figure out how to make it happen.
I realize that my life is not yet half over (assuming I live a full life to 80), so up to this point I could reincarnate myself.
I don't know how, or when, but I leave hope that something good will come.


Active member
My motivation is children. I have a four and six year old. I would like to see them develope into nice well balanced people. I also look forward to one day retireing and traveling.


Well-known member
It's tough for me to pinpoint why I want to keep going. I'm often not sure that I want to (chronic depression) and when I think of the usual reasons people give for fighting it out, well, none of them apply to me. I have no friends, I don't want a future family, I can't seek gainful employment because I dropped out of college due to anxiety, and a lot of my best experiences were as a child. Back then, we travelled everywhere as a family, had lots of fun and togetherness, and now I'm just a dried up, angry, boring shell of an adult who is more or less completely alone. I've become intolerant of people, increasingly agoraphobic, plagued by anxieties and OCD, and I feel that I've tried all the options that are available to people, ie. therapy and medications. Nothing seems to fully fix it, and I can't regain motivation for life no matter what I try. The worst of it is that the whole thing is self-perpetuating. The more I stay inside and do nothing, the rustier and depressed I get, and I feel like breaking the cycle is too hard.

The thing is, I don't blame people for not being sympathetic towards me. I've tried to talk to my family but they just don't seem to understand. I can't fault them for that, because they don't live with any of these issues. Most people have a 'shut up and get on with it' mentality and that's their perogative, but I just can't apply it to my own life. I also don't like to bother people with my problems, so I've isolated myself willingly. I like being unobtrusive in that regard. I guess ultimately I go on because something good might happen to me somewhere down the line. Life is forever changing and death is forever. I try to hold on to that.


Well-known member
For now, stubbornness. To prove everybody that has put me down wrong.

And if that fails, hatred. To ensure that I make other people's lives just as great a hell as mine was made.


To be honest, I don't loathe myself enough to die. Yeah I've had some hard times, but I haven't quite given up on myself yet. And there's still a few things I can enjoy from life. (Good food, music, sleeping, sunrises, stars, a lovely voice, laughing) the list goes on.
Simple: It's the cheaters' way out.
For those not wanting the cold shrug answer: There are fun times. Which can happen at unknown points in the timeline. Want to see them all.


Well-known member
Man...Life's playground is so unique, when you try to climb sometimes you fall down, and never get up....Its really funny how all this works in a cycle, thinking back I made this exact same thread about 6 months ago. New faces, new personalities. Why am I back here? Where did everyone else go? Can I just not get better...The thing that keeps me motivated to live is hope that someday I can put the pieces together that will get me to pick myself up fromm this quicksand I find myself trapped in, but I'm sinking deeper and deeper...I think I'm almost at the end of the line now. I hope I can change my ways.


Well-known member
My motivation comes from the following:

1) My parents / other relatives, I could never hurt them by taking my own life.
2) Karmic consequences. If I don't learn the lessons that I have come to earth to learn, then I may have to repeat in the next life.
3) I love my body and could never cause death to it, just cause things don't always go to plan. The vessel in my next life (ie body), may not be as healthy as this one.


Well-known member
1. Hope, that life will get better. My life's been gradually improving, so I know I'm capable of doing more with my life (unfortunately I still have a long way to go before I'm completely happy).

2. My loved ones. There aren't many, but they're worth it.