sex is just about my favorite activity
i would rather have sex and avoid doing other things
so, no
Ha, me and Coyote once again are in complete agreement here!!!! Although I wouldn't say I avoid doing other things, by having sex.
I think sex is too important a topic in society, and too many people seem to think that there is some right, and wrong way to go about it. I call bull****!!!! Sex is great!!!

I am in a relationship now, and I am faithful, but I constantly find myself wishing that I could be single for a couple of nights to take advantage of opportunities that I must pass on.
I think that forcing yourself on someone is wrong. I also think having sex with someone who is has not reached sexual maturity is really wrong (children, pre teens ect. ect.). Other than that all bets are off. Sex is natural, and fun. It's both recreation, and intimacy. People that look down their noses at others for their sexual practices, need to mind their own business, get of their bitter soap box and live their own ****ing life. I have had sex with girls that I was deeply in love with. I have also had sex with girls I met that night, and never saw again. Both were great!!!! I have been very sexually promiscuous in my life. That's my business, and nobody has any right to tell me that it was wrong. Just like no one has any right to tell a gay person that they are wrong. Sex is freedom, sex is love, sex is personal, its a part of life. One of the best parts if you ask me.
For those of you who say that you don't have any need for sex, or don't have the desire. The same thing applies. Don't let anybody tell you that you are weird and freak for feeling the way you do. Everybody is different. If you don't want to have sex, or only want it to be with someone you love, good for you!! It's not how I feel, not by a long shot, but its not for me say what is good for you sexually. As long as you are happy with your sex life, that is all that matters, not what other people think of it.
Kiwong- Doesn't your libido go through the roof, after a run? Exercise increases your libido, especially cardio exercise. When I am consistently working out my sex drive is always stronger, and when I was running, it was the strongest. This doesn't happen to you?