Would you still have SA if you were sexy


Well-known member
Of course I would still have social anxiety. I've had it since I was born, basically, and all being sexy would do is make it harder to leave home than it already is because I would attract unwanted attention.


Careful what you imply with your premise here - the pitchforks and torches will come out if you're not careful.

Looks matter - in someway - and judging by the responses it would seem people know it - albeit not explicitly stating so.
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[COLOR="C00FF"]I'm sure I would still have social anxiety if I were 'sexy'. Attractiveness does not determine whether or not you will have anxiety, or any other mental disorder for that matter. It wouldn't change how I feel about certain things or be an immediate solution to all my problems. It would be foolish to think that. [/COLOR]


Well-known member
I think it helps if you feel comfortable with yourself and if you have swagger or a coolness factor to your personality. lots of people have that.

you can also feel very awkward and the opposite of that as well, which doesn't help

how actual looks figure into that is sometimes hard to judge.


Well-known member
If guys or girls approached and complimented you left and right, would you still always stay home? I need a new hair cut any ideas?

Do you mean if people Hit on you more it would make you feel more confident ? I had this thought a couple days ago too.
Do you mean if people Hit on you more it would make you feel more confident ? I had this thought a couple days ago too.

No. Not bragging but I get hit on - not excessively but a few times a week maybe, on average - and I'm still a wreck in many situations. Hasn't changed much, really.
No. Not bragging but I get hit on - not excessively but a few times a week maybe, on average - and I'm still a wreck in many situations. Hasn't changed much, really.

^:eek: How do you deal with that!?

I would hate being "sexy" as the added attention would drive me insane.:sad:
I like looking average, it means I can easily blend into a crowd and not have anyone notice me.:thumbup:
^:eek: How do you deal with that!?

How do YOU deal with that? I know you get hit on blue ;P

But I don't know, I usually pretend I didn't hear the guy, or something. I always feel awkward. It's not completely unwelcome - it's a nice little boost - but I always feel like I should have smiled or said something sweet or witty in reply :/


Well-known member
How do YOU deal with that? I know you get hit on blue ;P

But I don't know, I usually pretend I didn't hear the guy, or something. I always feel awkward. It's not completely unwelcome - it's a nice little boost - but I always feel like I should have smiled or said something sweet or witty in reply :/

I find that glaring helps in those situations. That's just me, though. :)


I think most of us appreciate a compliment or a gesture that illustrates that we are attractive - even if that gesture makes us feel awkward and uncertain. We all want to at least feel that we are desirable and have the potential to be accepted.


Well-known member
I think most of us appreciate a compliment or a gesture that illustrates that we are attractive - even if that gesture makes us feel awkward and uncertain. We all want to at least feel that we are desirable and have the potential to be accepted.

That is exactly how I would feel IF it ever happened to me.


Well-known member
Probably not, I don't know. I got confused about the word sexy, but if people complimented me left and right I think I would want to run away because I don't feel worthy, I feel different from many people personality wise. "Yeah she's hot, but she's weird" That's how I imagine it. I'll probably turn people off once they got to know me.
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Well-known member
I'm a younger guy, I've been approached by girls while shopping at mall or just out about 6 times in the last year and a half or so. I do spend a lot of time on my looks because I just enjoy style.

I feel attractive..I still get incredibly shy and nervous. Mainly because I am not confident in my conversation skills, I hate my voice, and feel like I am constantly being negatively judged.

And good Lord I feel like this question has been asked a million times!!


Well-known member
Really depends, there are people who have developed SA from having body dysmorphic disorder, where the problem areas tend to be facial features. I personally can attest to that. Being attractive would certainly help me get out of the house more often.
I'm in the same school of thought as JohnnAY. I've always assumed working on my appearance would help me gain confidence and overcome SA. It would help, but I'm quite sure I'd still have a few problems.
No. Not bragging but I get hit on - not excessively but a few times a week maybe, on average - and I'm still a wreck in many situations. Hasn't changed much, really
No no no, we know you're not bragging! (just "sharing") :giggle: lol

And that's a good thing ain't it? That's a positive, a confidence booster.
So you have somethere there that "you're good at" (attracting the "king hits").
It's just that you have ... well ... errrrrrrrm ... "other issues" should i say, :giggle: lol

Back to me... Since i seldom go abroad these days, i very seldom get "hit on". Still happens on odd occasion ... and yes, i do find it EXTREMELY ODD & WIERD. I almost "hate" it. It's just too full-on, out of my control, controls my feelings, etc, etc. I don't need no broad to "tell" me that "i'm okay", or "i'm desireable" or other similar nonsense b*llsh*t.
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