Would you date someone way older/younger than you?

"Equality to me isn't about treating men and women exactly the same, because we're not the same."

How did I miss that.
What do you mean by this Tino? Just curious.
And are you also saying you should have no interest in younger women period?
I sure hope that's not what you're saying, because that would make you a hypocrite.
And tbh, anyone who thinks and says young women are more naive and impressionable, is a person I wouldn't let my young daughter go out with.


Staff member
Hahah Remus you piece of ****. Hope you get molested again!

Yup, thanks Punkrotten. The mods here were right to ban you for harrasing female members here I think. You are also the reason we closed IRC chat as you were doing it there (when banned from this site). So IRC users, here's the guy you can thank for that.


I'm 22 and I would date up to 30. I wouldn't aim to date anyone younger than me. Although it depends on the person, but past experiences make me want to date older.


Well-known member
The oldest I'll go for is about 5 years older than me, maybe 7 at the oldest. As for the younger guys - after my recent experience in dating a guy two years younger than me: possibly never again.

I've still got about two more years to deal with the raging hormones of teenagehood and thus a good reminder of why I should not date anyone younger than me until I'm an adult.

Another good reminder is the little psycho I dated for a few weeks before my high school life ended. Way to end my high school experience...

Regardless of what measures I take, my luck with love is absolute s***. I think I'd rather die a virgin at this point.
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New member
I'm more attracted to men that are older than me rather than ones my own age or younger than me. Probably because most of the guys I know who are my age (17) are immature and underdeveloped. :p


Well-known member
Hm, I don't know if I'd date anyone younger. At least not now since I'm still a teen. If they were only a year younger, I'd consider it. But any more than that, no probably not. This will probably change once I'm more of an adult.

As for dating older, I'd prefer it. Not too much older though. I'd probably go 5 years at most.


Well-known member
I wouldn't. I may be a desparate lonely virgin, but I'm not that desparate.:rolleyes: I set the limit at 3 yrs above or below for my imaginary nonexistent relationships.


Well-known member
I think that I set my standards, including age, to the point of impossibility because I'm unsure of what I want and/or unsure if I even want it.


Well-known member
I guess it wouldn't matter? I don't know. I am very rarely/if not, never attracted to people enough to want to date them.
So... if I managed to find someone I liked, I guess I could overlook the age difference.