Would you date someone way older/younger than you?


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I would date an older man. They are usually way more confident and mature.
However I would probably never marry someone 20 years older than me. I don't want to lose my husband at an early age, that would just be devastating.

I think I would draw the line at 10 years older for marriage.

I have no interest in younger men, but If I was ever somehow interested in a younger man I would not date more than 2-3 years younger than me. The guys my age are immature enough, I couldn't imagine being with someone younger.
Maybe when I am older it'll be better.


Well-known member
What do women mean when they say "maturity"? You want a man that doesn't play with lego anymore? Someone that doesn't wear trainers? Someone that wants a mortgage and kids?

For me, I want someone who has a little wisdom under their belt, is responsible, independent, doesn't complain if things get tough, doesn't make big deals out of little things ( for example: the other night after I had been sick all day, me and my mom decided we wanted chicken for dinner, because it would be easy on my stomach. Her fiance went on for 30 min. because he did not want chicken, so we gave in and ate what he wanted. Mexican food. This upset my stomach all night.)

He is not young, he is in his forties. However, he is a giant baby, and self centered. A lot of the guys around my age, that I have met, act like that.

Not all older men are mature, and not all younger men are immature. But for the most part you have a better chance of finding maturity with age.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
for example: the other night after I had been sick all day, me and my mom decided we wanted chicken for dinner, because it would be easy on my stomach. Her fiance went on for 30 min. because he did not want chicken, so we gave in and ate what he wanted. Mexican food. This upset my stomach all night.

That's just selfishness and a lack of consideration for others. Sadly that's something a lot of people never seem to grow out of. ::(:
Very interesting question. I'm 26 I have certain things that would be important for me to find which kind of come as a result of being a bit older like: living away from parents, having some experience in the world, having some responsibilities, having a job or career or further learning something to get up for everyday, knowing how to generally look after self not needing their mother to do their laundry, paying bills and rent or a mortgage, general grown up stuff. These things generally aren't as much a priority for someone 18 or 19 having said that I've been doing this stuff since I was 21 which is very young here and my sister since she was 17 so maybe there are 18 and 19 year old guys like that. Also I know guys in their 40s still hanging out of mammys apron strings. So I guess it's not much a question of age as it is experience.
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It depends. Age is not necessarily important. It can be, though.

There are more important things.


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Crikey! If I was in the dating game, then to date someone way older, I would have to make sure they had a heartbeat.


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From the 50 and over ladies, our pulses are fine. Just hold up your end of the bargain and it will be smooth sailing!


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I'm 24 and the closest I've ever been to a relationship was with a really hot 43 year old.

Not counting online dating, she's really the only woman I've ever approached and gotten a number (in person).


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not younger- it would seem wrong to date anyone born in the 90's

my last bf was 12 years older than myself, i probably wouldn't go much older than that


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honestly, as far as im concerned, we are alone enough in life as it is. Im very VERY lucky i have my wife.

If i was single, to me age wouldnt be a factor at all as long as everybody was legal and nobody was going to get in trouble with the federalis for it. I would happily date someone older or younger than me if we were compatible.


Well-known member
yes, I would. i don't see age as mattering so much, it's just a number. i'd rather date someone way older than someone way younger though, but i'd still date someone younger (not too young cause im a teen and im not a pedo)... the only thing that matters to me about dating someone way older is that they would probably die a lot sooner than me and i'd still be relatively young so i dunno if i could deal with that.
i hate when people think it's wrong for people with great age differences to date. i know so many people who would think it's disgusting for, say, a 25 year old dating a 40 year old. im okay with that though, i wouldn't judge them, their personalities clicked and that's all that matters if they make each other happy.
the oldest guy i dated was 22, but i really wouldn't mind dating someone older, and i would actually prefer to date someone that's a lot older rather than a guy around my age. i guess i find older guys more attractive, intelligent, independent and mature than the younger ones...


Well-known member
Do i think its acceptable for 25 year old men to even consider going out with 14 year old girls? HELL NO!!!!

ummm... so you might think that's creepy, but i don't. if a 25 year old and a 14 year old want to date (with the 14 yr old's parent's consent to make it legal of course) and they are both responsible, mature and attracted to each other then why shouldn't they date? it's harmless and they might even end up marrying each other or something.

i knew a 15 year old girl in a relationship with a 25 year old man. they claim to love each other and they have been dating for a long time. they have extremely similar personalities too. and the 15 year old is now engaged to the 25 year old. and im also in my teens and woulnd't mind dating a 25 year old.