Why Did You Choose Your Current Avatar?

Look at how puma has mellowed, he strikes me as very patient puma. His eyes have definitely softened...a very compassionate and engaged looking puma, certainly more matured but still mischievous!

I've dubbed them Epic forehead > Detached Ear > Wrong Colour > and Good Enough for 2013. ::p:


Well-known member
<------ this is the image wile e. coyote leaves when catapulted through a canyon wall
<-I envy his qualities of telling people exactly whats on his mind, cutting straight through the vale of insincerities and social niceities we tip toe around when interacting with people, somthing i would love to be able to do.

I want to change it as i dont watch the show anymore, as it got a bit repetitive, but other members might recoginise you by your avatar, so it stays.


Well-known member
because i thought it was a nice picture and im tp scared to show my face but i already my face on of the picture threads


Well-known member
I made my avatar. It's actually from something bigger that I made, I just cropped and re-sized. I liked that larger version and thought it would look cool as an avatar.


Well-known member
It's my left eye photographed through a Van Cort Dragonfly dioptric kaleidoscope.

I chose it because I needed something in a hurry, I already had it on my computer, and it's unique.

Also, I'm watching you. Yes, you.