Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
This week I had an awful time with my education. Because I hadnt attended classes for weeks, I had a bad misunderstanding with the school and I wound up missing my exam because I was expecting to have it two days later.
This was partly caused by technicallities but I feel totally responsible, because I hadnt attended for weeks and didnt look much at the info.

I feel terrible, not really for missing the exam as I can probably get it done this summer easily, but because I am so avoidant of my studies and the people in my class, and because Im not sure if this is what I want and want to drop out while on the other hand I dont want to disappoint my parents (they pay for books etc, and Ill have to move in with them again if I drop out)


Well-known member
This week I had an awful time with my education. Because I hadnt attended classes for weeks, I had a bad misunderstanding with the school and I wound up missing my exam because I was expecting to have it two days later.
This was partly caused by technicallities but I feel totally responsible, because I hadnt attended for weeks and didnt look much at the info.

I feel terrible, not really for missing the exam as I can probably get it done this summer easily, but because I am so avoidant of my studies and the people in my class, and because Im not sure if this is what I want and want to drop out while on the other hand I dont want to disappoint my parents (they pay for books etc, and Ill have to move in with them again if I drop out)

I can totally relate to this. Seems similar to how I was handling education, avoiding and skipping classes. I also know how it is being at some education and wanting to quit, but so many new problems will appear when quitting, like where to live, how to support oneself, etc.


Active member
Depressed about the situation I am in.
Things I have missed and missing during High School years. Realizing that I will regret these moments, even though nothing I can do to help myself...

Depression motivates me for some reason... o_O is that weird?


Depressed about the situation I am in.
Things I have missed and missing during High School years. Realizing that I will regret these moments, even though nothing I can do to help myself...

Depression motivates me for some reason... o_O is that weird?

It wouldn't be weird if you meant that the feeling of being depressed motivates you because you don't want to stay that way or end up that way again, so you are motivated to make a change.


Well-known member
I'm depressed again coz i really have no life. I have nothing that breaks me away from being a loner and trying to experience the world around me.


Well-known member
Uncertainty about my futute. I've tasted what happiness is all about recently, and I am scared I will lose that. I feel like I have achieved many great things through hard work this last two years, but fear this is being invalidated and diminished by those strident negative voices who have such negative expectations of me.
at the moment im listening to a sad song and thinking about my crush that i cant seem to get over, he has no feelings for me, and i heard he has a girlfriend now. So its over, it wouldnt ever happen to.. i just cannot seem to forget about him.


Well-known member
I sent a text i regret and now theres no reply. Also people at work tease me for being quiet and i didn't defend myself properly and just smirked, looked away and blanked out like the usual. I was called an airhead (not in front of me) because of this, but i'm fully aware of everything. So i'm not depressed -.- just frusterated, keep repeating recent screw ups in my mind right now. Need to relax :SS
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Well-known member
I think it's because I can't accept myself and my conditions . No matter how hard I try I just can't and part of me doesn't want to either . Why should I have to just 'accept' ? It's not in my nature to do so . Again on the other hand my condition I didn't cause and wasn't able at the time to even have a say in it . That's what has led to my miserable existence which I fully acknowledge as so . My life is a torturous joke at my expense brought on by either :
a) God ( or whatever it is )
b) Genetics ( just unlucky )
c) Over-eager doctors who made a mistake ( sick feeling they might have )
d) Fate - because I know myself if what happened to me didn't then I wouldn't be what I am right now :/
e) Mother - was ill before I was born so possible that's why

I can never accept it and it seems I can never fix it either so for now my life will continue on this path and the relentless 'attacks' will just keep coming and I will keep going .
its too hot to for me to fall asleep, and my air conditioner keeps making a clicking noise so I have to decide whether i want to burn up all night, or listen to an annoying clicking noise.

this has been going on for weeks

these are the types of things that make people go crazy, I might end up in a mental hospital by the end of this month


Well-known member
Uncertainty about my futute. I've tasted what happiness is all about recently, and I am scared I will lose that. I feel like I have achieved many great things through hard work this last two years, but fear this is being invalidated and diminished by those strident negative voices who have such negative expectations of me.

If you are talking about work, then you should be aware of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Discrimination at work because of a disability is illegal. Social phobia is classed as a disability, as I know because I won a discrimination complaint before the Human Rights Commission and a workers' compensation case (Comcare) before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) against the Federal Government.


Well-known member
whats causing my depression, good question!
it might be the 15 year std i imagined and found out the truth about?
or the fact i got diagnosed with social anxiety last year?
maybe its my on going diagnosis of bipolar or just simply the bipolar?
might be i humilated myself on facebook and lost the plot?
it could even be because i never go out?
money problems, family issues, the list goes on.
just ignore me im just depressed.
when u love a person deeply from the bottom of ur heart after hundreds of his tries to get ur attraction and after he said that ur all his dreams then he took a decision to leave u without any discussion or goodbye words and keep ignoring ur calls ,emails and avoid any chance of talking with u,I need to know why people can be that rude with hearts like stone ,OMG I can't stop offensive feeling of heartache


Clutter is a good word for all sorts of things.

Tonight I couldn't get to sleep, and never felt so suicidal as ever; I just had to come here to see if I could find anything positive - any answers to my problems. It usually works OK on this site, but I know I won't get any sleep tonight.

Completely alone for 10 years, and my entire life is simply all about just one word: rejection. I don't feel a serious social phobia or anxiety. I can cope with people, but it ain't easy. Nobody else I meet is like me or has anything in common.

Life has had some reasonable good times, but the main downward spiral of my most successful girlfriend leaving me because we moved into a small place - the first mortgage. Why leave at that point. It made me a mess from that day. It led me into regularly losing every job. That brings an onward status of losing all self-worth. Every person stops contacting me. Every job I have soon leads to rejection, and nobody will ever tell me why they did that. What I need is a reason for that, and I never get to know. People just turn their back on me, and leave me in the dirt. What can I do? My honest CV makes people keep asking me "why did you stop working here?" I don't have any reason for this, and just have to keep coming up with imaginitive fantasy for it. It's my only hope.

Why can't people who reject me just say why? "You're so ugly. You make me so miserable. You only ever say negative things and moan about everything" If anyone told me this, then I'd just learn from that and dig myself out of it... like a pheonix

Living alone doesn't help, but I can't stand people who reject me
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A physical resort to claiming disability is something I've been advised to do by many friends! I adamantly refused to do it, because it would reduce my self-esteem even further! I've had terrible health from age 7, stuck in hospital for months, alongside young leukaemia patients, dying... I've tried to ignore this.

My prominent health problem has been chronic epileptic fits, since 2005, in Intensive Care Unit, needing breathing tubes stuffed down my neck to keep me alive. I can't decide if I should claim this. I believe I can do my job perfectly well, but my general zombie-state tablets I have to take make me a lot less personable around others. Either telling prospective new employers about my illness - they'll probably reject me even quicker and more instantly - or I could keep that issue quiet? I don't like benefit for disability. My epileptic friend lives on that.

A concern is that I've been in the mess before the epilepsy began. I was rejected way back in 1998 anyway. I had great jobs to do, travelling to Detroit, San Francisco, Brussels and Eindhoven, Den Haag...
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Well-known member
I'm slowly turning into a stoner. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing yet.

It is definitely a bad thing.

Marijhuana or cannabis brings out or realizes underlying psychiatric problems. Some people on this website have said that it caused social phobia e.g. AngiePangie, Xylia. If they had not used marijhuana, then they would never have registed on this site.

Don't listen to any statement on this thread that it is not definitely a bad thing.


Well-known member
NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Mogwai in concert today!!! Ugh!!!! Need to get on top of concerts.. from now on