Who else on here have never been into a relationship


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Never been in a relationship, never came close. Can't even make friends, except on-line, occasionally.


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Simply, I still don't undestand the procedures how to get into a relationship. For example, a couple of years ago, if someone would invite me to a drink, I would say yes to her only if I would be thirsty. I don't understand the "social point" of drinking, eating etc.

29, never had girlfriend, never been on date. I am approaching the phase in which I will probably stop bothering. It is like... another world. I have given up on changes because I am getting used to my life: wake up-job-home-sleep. Every thing, connected with relationship is for me like the thing from Mars. Can't behave like majority, don't know what to do with a girlfriend, since I don't go anywhere, don't have almost any hobbies except playing computer games and lonely walks, so being alone is probably the best thing for me (and for potential partner).


Well-known member
Add me to this list. :( I wish I could find some sort of self-acceptance but I can't. I get terribly lonely. I think my main issue is communicating my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I'm a great person with a lot going for me (and I don't mean to say that like I'm better or anything). Looks like nice guts do finish last.

You're a great - looking guy, and being nice is not a shortcoming, I have no doubt you will find the perfect girl for you eventually :)
I've never been in a real relationship. I'm only 18, but still. I'm just too afraid to actually make the initiative to spark something.


Well-known member
In my case it's not my looks that bother me, i used to think that all women wanted was a good looking man and i used to get depressed at thinking i was not going to get anyone because i am average looking.

I'm cool at being average looking but the thing that bother's me is that this disorder has robbed my personality and self esteem. Thinking realisticly no woman wants someone like me who has sever low self esteem, no prospects etc. Also because i don't attend social things there's very little chance of meeting anyone in the first place.


Active member
Never, i'm 27, female. I hope I die

. . . same here. I’m even 27 . . . but yeah… Simply put, the whole process of dating/courtship completely turns me off. I’ve been on plenty of somewhat enjoyable first/second dates with women but nothing beyond that, usually because one of us abruptly stops replying to texts/voicemails. Being REALLY bad at feigning interest when conversations aren’t related to my hobbies doesn’t help. Furthermore, I don’t flirt. It makes me queasy… Perhaps, I just haven’t met the “right” woman. I hope that’s it because I’m starting to feel like I’m mentally incompatible with people, particularly the opposite sex (i.e. female)…


Well-known member
I'm in a relationship but i have terrible dreams of getting dumped or someone pretending i cheated on him when i know i never would. Its stressful plus trying to win his family and friends approval.. dealing with other ppl flirting and jealousy all round.. Not sure where the relationship will lead to.. it could be a grand waste of time and it leaves me behind in classes which probably doesn't matter anyway lol but.. That's why noone should rely on a relationship solving lonliness etc but still try to have one.


Well-known member
I'm in a relationship but i have terrible dreams of getting dumped or someone pretending i cheated on him when i know i never would. Its stressful plus trying to win his family and friends approval.. dealing with other ppl flirting and jealousy all round.. Not sure where the relationship will lead to.. it could be a grand waste of time and it leaves me behind in classes which probably doesn't matter anyway lol but.. That's why noone should rely on a relationship solving lonliness etc but still try to have one.

It's normal to have such dreams, you 're worried that it'll be over and that you will have no control over that, so you're nervous..
About his family, have you tried talking to him about it?


Well-known member
. . . same here. I’m even 27 . . . but yeah… Simply put, the whole process of dating/courtship completely turns me off. I’ve been on plenty of somewhat enjoyable first/second dates with women but nothing beyond that, usually because one of us abruptly stops replying to texts/voicemails. Being REALLY bad at feigning interest when conversations aren’t related to my hobbies doesn’t help. Furthermore, I don’t flirt. It makes me queasy… Perhaps, I just haven’t met the “right” woman. I hope that’s it because I’m starting to feel like I’m mentally incompatible with people, particularly the opposite sex (i.e. female)…

29 and had one relationship that didn't last long. I've kissed and things like that but not for a long time now.

My problem is like an endless loop of the same issues. I'll be somewhere like work or at class, at lessons and people just want to engage personality, that's it. now i can be nice but i'm not a show off or loud and girls seem to prefer guys that show that confidence and that have a natural leadership and ability to talk well using very confident body language. so any sort of crush usually just doesnt work because it almost defeats the purpose, the couples that i see forming are from genuine friendships and nout out of trying too hard to seek approval. its a tricky sequence to get right. My problem is i dont stand out enough and i don't think i'm interesting enough when engaging people. this makes finding a date or anything like that very hard. so its hard even when i try and put myself out there. thats the most frusturating thing.

you know, and then i have sisters, cousins, etc my age already married, being in relationships since leaving high school. every last one of them, they own houses too. that is just alien to me. family gatherings are literally terrifying now. for me personally.


Well-known member
I'm 23 and have never even gone out on a date, much less had a relationship. I'm also about 100% that no girl has ever thought I was attractive or had a crush on me either.On top of my shyness and lack of experience, I never seem to be in a situation where I even have the opportunity to ask anyone out. I work overnight, go to school online, live at home, and don't know how to drive. I think Its my fate to die alone.


Well-known member
I think Its my fate to die alone.

Whatever you do, don't give up. I was at a similar point in my life when I was 23; no real dating experience, no relationships, nothing...well I can drive. But then I absolutely forced myself out there, got a job with lots of social interaction for exposure therapy, and joined a few dating sites. I managed to go on some dates, but I'm still relationshipless a few years later.

C'est le vie.


Well-known member
Well I just turned 17 and have been in 2 of them (still in one) and if I have social anxiety comparable to everyone here I think there is always a chance. Both of those girls fell in love with me and were brave enough to tell me (Cause obviously I'm too darn shy to say it first..). All I did was be myself, nothing extra.


Relationship? dude I've hardly talked to the opposite gender in my entrie life...Whats worse...? I'm the champ(at losing) !
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