Who else on here have never been into a relationship


Well-known member
I am in one but honestly no one ever liked me in school and it's still that way. Meaning that if I weren't in this relationship no one would really want me. I don't know why.


Well-known member
19 and never had a girlfriend. I get extremely nervous around women that I really like. I feel like **** because even my friend who's even more shy than me has had a girlfriend.

Don't worry you're still young you'll find someone.


Well-known member
a short note from the "grass isn't always greener" department:

i've been married and divorced twice

but, maybe your relationship will be perfect when you have one

ahh, but perhaps that's the problem - you're afraid of it being less than perfect

otherwise, what would be the harm of attempting one?

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I don't feel like I have ever been in a proper relationship. The one I am in now has been my longest, but we have been apart for most of it; and long distance is just not the same. Before that, I went on dates. They were mostly flings. Some did become boyfriends, but the relationships were short. There was always something that got in the way. Perhaps the only reason why I am still with my boyfriend now is because of the distance; otherwise, it would be too much for me to handle. Relationships, friendships...they have always been complicated for me.


Well-known member
I think I need to try I get that out of my head. why I go to my college classes. I notice guys and girls talking and I get jealous. I hate going out in public because it expose the pride left in me , the part of me I'm trying to get rid of all together.

Wow, you expressed that feeling very well... I'm really sorry to hear it, but you sound pretty young still if you're going to college. I understand it can be really challenging when other people are in the prime of their relationship life, but I strongly believe that as long as you put yourself out there into the world and think about it enough, opportunities will be drawn to you. You have a lot of time, and when a guy doesn't have experience, it's cute if anything to a girl


Well-known member
19 and never had a girlfriend. I get extremely nervous around women that I really like. I feel like **** because even my friend who's even more shy than me has had a girlfriend.

Just replace "boyfriend" with "girlfriend" and that'd be my story. I hope you find someone soon.


Well-known member
I guess that in the average, I meet about every two years a person, who is for me more than just a friend (and the other way round). Actual relationships though that lasted for more than a few months I had only two. Which is a bit annoying, since giving and receiving physical signs of affection are necessary for me to be happy.

Sometimes I give up for a while and try focusing just on myself and my friends. At other times, this annoys me so much, that I try hard to meet new people.


Well-known member
Thank you, I'm not so sure though since the guys I've met so far either think I'm super lame or super ugly.

Any guy who thinks like that is ignorant and a fool, and not worth your time.


While I was in one relationship that ended about 2 years ago, I sincerely wish I had never experienced it. Id rather be single than be with him.


Well-known member
Thank you, I'm not so sure though since the guys I've met so far either think I'm super lame or super ugly.
Then that's their problem. You are great.

While I was in one relationship that ended about 2 years ago, I sincerely wish I had never experienced it. Id rather be single than be with him.
I remember this story. I'm really sorry and hopefully you can move past it.


Active member
I'm 21 and I've never been in a relationship, most of the time i don't think about it, but when I was in high school I was a bit jealous of my classmates and I felt unhappy.


Well-known member
I'm 21 and I've never been in a relationship, most of the time i don't think about it, but when I was in high school I was a bit jealous of my classmates and I felt unhappy.

Well, in high school it was right in your face..would you prefer to be in a relationship right now?


Active member
Well, in high school it was right in your face..would you prefer to be in a relationship right now?

To be honest i don't know, I would like to be with someone, but my anxiety gets in the way everytime I try to be positive about dates or future relationships. The thing that worries me the most is that I'm not interested in anyone anymore, it has been almost 3 year since I had a crush on someone...


Well-known member
Yes I never been in one,I had a lot of oportunities in the past,now not so much lol,I guess I got uglier.
I feel that I need to better myself before that,I am trying to get in shape,I also need to get over or accept some body issues I have mostly symetry.
I dont want to sound condescending which I know that sometimes I do,but also its hard to find someone nice who you can trust,she also would have to accept my symetry issues.

man on the hill

Well-known member
im 25, and I had just a small "taste" of having a girl friend at the start of this year, also lost my virginity. but it didnt last but about 3 weeks maybe, before she just kinda lost intrest and dumped me, even though she said she loved me :confused: . And Ever since I have been wanting for find another girl so that I can feel the same way I did, cause those few weeks I felt on top of the world. It really is nice having someone, hopefully I will again


Well-known member
im 25, and I had just a small "taste" of having a girl friend at the start of this year, also lost my virginity. but it didnt last but about 3 weeks maybe, before she just kinda lost intrest and dumped me, even though she said she loved me :confused: . And Ever since I have been wanting for find another girl so that I can feel the same way I did, cause those few weeks I felt on top of the world. It really is nice having someone, hopefully I will again
I remember this. I'm sure you'll find someone again.


I was 23 when a girl finally hit on me and it lasted about a year. I'm 41 now and haven't been in one since. But it's weird because when we broke up I remember thinking, this is just the beginning - there will be others - I'm normal now. Who was I kidding?