what's your heritage?


Well-known member
tehStranger said:
wow, us Italians really get around.

Haha, true, that's due to mass migrations from the southern regions in the late 19th century and after both the world wars. Hard times (regardless of whether we won or lost)...

Anyway, here is one italian citizen actually living in the boot-shaped country and carrying an italian passport. The real thing! :) (although I do have a bit of, very diluted, genetic code from central-eastern europe as well)

I might delete this in a few days, as this is a bit too detailed information, you never know who might stumble into it.
I'm a mutt lol. I'm Italian and Irish on my dad's side and German, English and Russian (she's Irish too) on my Mom's side. I feel like my facial structure resembles my Mom's, but we look unrelated because she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Same with my two older brothers. We have different dads so, they are not Italian, but French instead. They look mostly like my Mom, though. Genetics are weird.
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I don't know all of it, but I'm white and a mixture of many things. I know of French Canadian/German/English ancestry on my mom's side. On my dad's side all I know of is Dutch, my grandmother is full Dutch. I also know that my great grandmother was half American Indian. So basically I'm just a mixture of a lot of things :p.
Re: Heritage

I don't know all of it, but I'm white and a mixture of many things. I know of French Canadian/German/English ancestry on my mom's side. On my dad's side all I know of is Dutch, my grandmother is full Dutch. I also know that my great grandmother was half American Indian. So basically I'm just a mixture of a lot of things :p.



Well-known member
My families roots from both sides are Irish and we settled in Canada. In fact my great great uncle was part of the Fathers Of Confederation. He helped Canada become a country and branch away from Britain.
My last name is Swedish, but I'm not biologically related to the person that name came from (I still tell people I have Swedish ancestry if I don't have time to write an essay about it). Otherwise, I have a lot of Norwegian and I think some German and Swiss in there.