what's your heritage?


New member
all my mums side is scottish, my dads dad is english and his mum is half indian and half zimbabwean.


Well-known member
I'm white Australian on my dad's side - probably just good old english convict stock, my last name sounds english and part Aboriginal on my mum's side - I don't know the exact ratio - as if that really matters.


Well-known member
1/3 Italian on my dad's side
1/3 German on my mom's side
1/3 Hungarian on my mom's side

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


I'm half Singaporean Chinese and half English. One set of grandparents are originally from China, the other are originally from England, so I normally class myself as Eurasian, but nonetheless a NZer. Anyone else out there mixed or eurasian?


Well-known member
I'm Australian, and my parents are australian born, with great grand parents were from england(as most of us aussies did came from there).


Well-known member
2 Irish parents, 4 irish grand parents, 8 irish great grandparents (I think you can see where this is going)

I however was born and raised in England so Im wot alot of people would call a plastic paddy!


Active member
East Indian, born and raised in Canada.

I dont fit in with any group: I dont care much for my Indian cultural identity (religion, Indian food, Indian movies, cricket), and I dont care much for mainstream North American culture (50 cent, "bling", etc.).