What Makes You Interesting?


Active member
It's difficult isn't it trying to come up with interesting things about yourself. Can only think of a few, and I barely think there interesting so doubt others would. :D

-Suffered with severe leg pains as a kid which was eventually diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis in ankles, both knees and right elbow at 11.
-Built two custom gaming PC's.

Hmm, you know that might be all. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I can bend spoons with mind.

Lolz xD it just made me remember this :


i think hisname was abrakadabra or something like that xD btw i want this skill too but not for bend spoons but for make the spoons make me eat =P


My resiliency. I think we all know how resilient we are to keep getting up and facing what we face every morning, modern day warriors.


Well-known member
I often wear socks and sandals together

hahaha well hey, I do that all the time, too. Kind of classy, I think

what makes me special? I don't really know. I've travelled the whole World almost and I guess I can really talk about anything; there is no subject that I can't relate to. And people tell me I'm funny. Sometimes.


Well-known member
I have tattoos piercings and a generally mysterious aura around me. I'm brutally honest. I don't talk behind your back unless I say it to your face. I am considered "goth" if you wanna put a label on me.


Well-known member
I can do the yoga posture headstand
I know most Guns n roses songs in and out and play them on guitar
I make a mean round of lemon muffins
These things make me not so interesting but perhaps entertaining like a trained monkey


Well-known member
i like anchovies.

oops.. guess that doesn't help the interesting factor. oh well, i'll leave it just the same.


Well-known member
im not that interesting but some people might find these interesting:

- i have a pet tarantula

- i am a witch

- i don't label/sterotype myself but i have been called "emo" many times

- my hair has been every colour from blue to blonde to pink and everything inbetween

- i love acting even though i hate talking and being centre of attention

- im still a teenager but pretty much have my whole life planned out in detail


Well-known member
i've had a few tarantulas. one of the recent ones was a 'pink toe' that was black with pink "toes" & was very cute - tho many probably won't be able to understand that concept.what kind do you have?

cute pink toe :) does it jump a lot? pinks toes seem to be jumpy ones.

i have a male chilean rose hair spiderling, which seems to be the most common and cheapest pet tarantula. but i really want a mexican red knee, those ones are so beautiful but still docile :)


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Well-known member
cute pink toe :) does it jump a lot? pinks toes seem to be jumpy ones.

i have a male chilean rose hair spiderling, which seems to be the most common and cheapest pet tarantula. but i really want a mexican red knee, those ones are so beautiful but still docile :)

i read that the pink toes don't have a long life span, & mine didn't. i can't remember if it was jumpy or not... i don't think it liked being picked up cuz i seem to remember getting irritated hair in my hand or on my finger after picking it up one time. so i figured it was too scared & i didn't want to scare it.

i had a chilean rose hair before - my nieces bf was leaving town & giving it away, so i took it for awhile. ended up selling it tho since i didn't want to continuously go get crickets, etc.

had other ones way back when, too. a good old friend from high school (my first tarantula-owning friend) owns a pet shop in georgia now & said he'd send me one, but i said i keep my house too cold for a spider now i think...


Well-known member
I wear dresses almost every day,people must think I'm in some kind of cult,meh that wasn't interesting but that's all i've got.


Well-known member
cute pink toe :) does it jump a lot? pinks toes seem to be jumpy ones.

i have a male chilean rose hair spiderling, which seems to be the most common and cheapest pet tarantula. but i really want a mexican red knee, those ones are so beautiful but still docile :)

I thought that pic was on your shoulder but when I clicked on it was on a pot. Cool spider still.