What Makes You Feel Better?

this can make the worst stomach feel better...



Well-known member
Lately, little things have been making me find more enjoyment in life. Whether it's someone acknowledging my existence or getting money or even giving myself a manicure, I seem to gain satisfaction. I've been finding enjoyment again in the things I normally do. I haven't been this content in a while. It's taken me a while to get to this point, but with the help of therapy, medication, supportive people, and, hell, ultimately myself, it's been a possible achievement.


Well-known member
1. being bye myself. 2.talking to myself. 3. doing work for people it make me feel more confident. 4. talking to people about Social Phobia online.


Well-known member
Playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. I can dive into a fantasy world (that has other players to help me alleviate my loneliness) and forget about my problems. It's such a great game.

Watching TV.

Reading H.P. Lovecraft.


Well-known member
Listening to music and going to gigs/festivals.... i have to have my ipod everywhere i go otherwise i'd be very sad :( visiting my family aswell.


Well-known member
Listening to music and going to gigs/festivals.... i have to have my ipod everywhere i go otherwise i'd be very sad :( visiting my family aswell.
If I'm going for a walk I need to have my iPod on me, as well. It makes the walk much more fun.

There are some places I want to go, in and out of Australia, that involve lots of nature. I would love to see a lot of the natural scenery here. I mean, I like going to Melbourne and such, but they're all cities. I want to see forests and hills and just be immersed in the natural environment. I will do more of that when money allows - this I vow.

A friend of mine can't see the point in it, but he's a big city person himself, so he wouldn't. I just love being surrounded by trees and just basking in the flora.

Yeah, I feel the same. Futurama, Two And A Half Men, The Inbetweeners, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld. Anything to get me to laugh or even be entertained is good.

Talking to people on this forum. There so nice and kind.
So are you. :)


Well-known member
Awesome posts everyone! :D

And when it's nice and warm when the heater kicks in after being freezing cold in my room, yes I feel MUCH bettah

that's a good one! I love when the heater goes on when it's freezing ::p:

Being in my fantasy world.

Sad but true.:confused:

that's not sad at all, I think all of us here have our little fantasy worlds, especially since most of us have drifted away from the social part of life

If I'm going for a walk I need to have my iPod on me, as well. It makes the walk much more fun.

agreed! I always listen to music on my walks


Active member
yh my im very attached to my cat :) cats are actually proven to reduce stress levels. Exercise & a good sleep pattern will make u feel alot better aswell, it works for me, also music