cookies 'n cream
Have to agree with these two.Mint.
Hard to choose really. Anything fruity, excessively sweet, creamy, and surely lots of other things is probably extremely delicious to me. I'm an ice cream fiend, so I can hardly ever buy it. I'll end up gorging down the whole tub in an hour. I love strawberry, cotton candy, or anything with the word cake in the best. Ice cream is so evil, yet so delicious. It just isn't fair!
Cotton candy. And I hate the taste of actual green tea, but love it as an ice cream flavor.
love potion #31 from baskin robbins <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one I can't have. :sad:
Is that due to a food allergy?
I totally understand. I have had the same problem before with Nutella. I can't even go near it now or I end up in that bottomless spiral as you do with the ice-cream.More of an addiction, really. Once I start eating ice cream, it's very difficult for me to stop. Soon I'm going through a box a day, every day, and I start to freak out a bit when my stash runs low. Next thing I know, I'm driving ten miles across town so the cashiers at the stores nearby won't catch on that I have an ice cream "problem"—as if they'd care. Crazy addict behavior. With nuts.
And yes, I'm quite serious.