During one of the classes where I don't do anything (it's extremely boring and the teacher just says what's in the book) I actually studied for another subject. I don't do that, in the previous lessons I just played sudoku or other games. I don't really like studying in front of other people, not really sure why. Since I have good grades I probably feel like my friends will be watching to figure out how I study or something.
I went to the dentist even though I wasn't really feeling like it, but I had some sensitivity to cold and hot. I was afraid it would turn out to be like another tooth of mine I had to devitalize if I ignored it so I forced myself to go.
I got home one hour later from the dentist than I had expected. First because she had another client that took longer than expected, and after taking a 5 minute look at my teeth she just talked to my dad and I for a long time (she's my cousin). In a normal day I would think that I shouldn't go to the gym because it was too late to have lunch and have the necessary interval between lunch and exercise, but I quickly heated some food and ate it fast enough, and went to the gym 10 minutes later than usual.
Even though I took a 10 minute nap today, it didn't work as well as it did in the past days. Still, I studied the 50 minutes I had set myself to do.
In the two showers I took today I tried something new: gradually lowering the temperature of the water until I got out of the shower. I usually just put it hot, but it's bad for my skin (I have a couple of rashes that might be due to that). It didn't feel uncomfortable when doing gradually but I might not have the time to do it every morning.
Looks like when I take a little step to help myself I usually end up taking lots of little steps in the same day. Too bad that usually stops the day after and takes a while to come back.