What have you done to help yourself today?


Well-known member
Congratulations Kiwong on competing and I hope you enjoy the experience.
Yes, I enjoy getting amongst the waves, particularly during Winter.


Well-known member
Congratulations Kiwong on competing and I hope you enjoy the experience.
Yes, I enjoy getting amongst the waves, particularly during Winter.

Must be peaceful out there surfing, Subpop. You'd need a wetsuit in winter. I'd like the coast, but I don't surf, I'm more of a beachcomber.


Well-known member
I nagged my bf a little bit about helping me fix our mailbox post (which mysteriously broke the same night that my cat dislocated his hip. Hmmmmm). Anyway, when we finally did go out to fix it, I got myself into a nice little zen state, and decided to just be patient and go with the flow, instead of getting all uptight and micromanaging. As a result things went smoothly enough, I have a fixed up mailbox, and my bf feels good about having fixed something. A win for everyone (especially the mail carrier).


Active member
I think my boyfriend may be in love with other women. I recently saw some suspicious messages which has given me this conclusion. Though it's all theories right now, I still get caught up in the fear and paranoia that this might be true. I had university today and I helped myself by not giving in to crying or the urge to throw up. After class, I met up with a friend of mine in the city - the distraction helped and I walked with my head up and sometimes walking with confidence on the streets. I even spoke to my boyfriend today, but I acted coolly.


Well-known member
Well I managed to book an appointment for myself. It's for a course I want to go on, although it's not actually the main course I want to go on, which is in September. But this course is like a stepping stone for that other course. When I was booking this appointment, I actually wrote down what I wanted to say on the phone, but doing that really helped me. I was surprised at how well I came across.

I have begun to realize that for too long now, I have been comparing my own progress in life with other people. It has made me appreciate that whatever progress I have previously made, no matter how insignificant it may have seemed, I have always managed to disregard my SA victories as being insignificant. But these miniscule victories will eventually add up for me, and will hopefully lead on to bigger and better thing in my life.


Well-known member
Well I managed to book an appointment for myself. It's for a course I want to go on, although it's not actually the main course I want to go on, which is in September. But this course is like a stepping stone for that other course. When I was booking this appointment, I actually wrote down what I wanted to say on the phone, but doing that really helped me. I was surprised at how well I came across.

I have begun to realize that for too long now, I have been comparing my own progress in life with other people. It has made me appreciate that whatever progress I have previously made, no matter how insignificant it may have seemed, I have always managed to disregard my SA victories as being insignificant. But these miniscule victories will eventually add up for me, and will hopefully lead on to bigger and better thing in my life.

Aww thats excellent news Shenmue and that'll be great practice for the September course! I also write down bullet points for what I want to say on the phone as well as my mind tends to go blank. And yeah you should celebrate the SA victories, it feels good to conquer your fears man. Well done! :)


Well-known member
Without a real reason to get out of bed, I somehow got out of bed today, does that count?

i think managing to get yourself out of bed without a reason to counts very much, im sure many people on here understand how hard that is

Today i managed to get out of the house and go to the movies with a friend, which really helped ease my pain for a few hours.


Well-known member
Studied around an hour today. Not much, but better than the rest of the week where I studied like 30 minutes altogether.
Used the pomodoro technique, but instead of my usual 25 minute blocks I did 15 minute ones. It's much easier like this. Had a soundtrack from one of the most relaxing shows I've ever watched playing as well. During my 5 minute breaks I would play a game similar to guitar hero I guess (but just using the keyboard).


Well-known member
Studied around an hour today. Not much, but better than the rest of the week where I studied like 30 minutes altogether.
Used the pomodoro technique, but instead of my usual 25 minute blocks I did 15 minute ones. It's much easier like this. Had a soundtrack from one of the most relaxing shows I've ever watched playing as well. During my 5 minute breaks I would play a game similar to guitar hero I guess (but just using the keyboard).

I use that technique, too! I've been getting better at working in irregular blocks on my own, though.


Well-known member
i organized a year's worth of unsorted bookmarks.
i uninstalled a game that i've been borderline addicted to & no longer find fun.
i used a sephora gift card that i've been sitting on due to my indecisiveness. i hem and haw over most non-essential purchases, even when i use a gift card. :x


Well-known member
After procrastinating for five days I finally started studying for my tests again. Studied 40 minutes so far.


Well-known member
Um, I went to the store by myself which I've done quite a lot recently and I find it easier now than before so, yeay.


Well-known member
During one of the classes where I don't do anything (it's extremely boring and the teacher just says what's in the book) I actually studied for another subject. I don't do that, in the previous lessons I just played sudoku or other games. I don't really like studying in front of other people, not really sure why. Since I have good grades I probably feel like my friends will be watching to figure out how I study or something.

I went to the dentist even though I wasn't really feeling like it, but I had some sensitivity to cold and hot. I was afraid it would turn out to be like another tooth of mine I had to devitalize if I ignored it so I forced myself to go.

I got home one hour later from the dentist than I had expected. First because she had another client that took longer than expected, and after taking a 5 minute look at my teeth she just talked to my dad and I for a long time (she's my cousin). In a normal day I would think that I shouldn't go to the gym because it was too late to have lunch and have the necessary interval between lunch and exercise, but I quickly heated some food and ate it fast enough, and went to the gym 10 minutes later than usual.

Even though I took a 10 minute nap today, it didn't work as well as it did in the past days. Still, I studied the 50 minutes I had set myself to do.

In the two showers I took today I tried something new: gradually lowering the temperature of the water until I got out of the shower. I usually just put it hot, but it's bad for my skin (I have a couple of rashes that might be due to that). It didn't feel uncomfortable when doing gradually but I might not have the time to do it every morning.

Looks like when I take a little step to help myself I usually end up taking lots of little steps in the same day. Too bad that usually stops the day after and takes a while to come back.