what do you think happens when we die?


Well-known member
I hope there is a heaven because if not, well, it's just gonna be .. nothing, just like a sleep that never end^^


Well-known member
if i can believe that you and the world around you exists without me being able to observe any physical evidence to support it (because i no longer exist after death), then why am i unable to believe in other things that do not have any observable physical evidence?

did you mean that to be rhetorical? either way that's an absolutely brilliant question, so do you have any idea behind why you don't have "faith" in that which you can can't observe?

(I know deep down behind all the jokes are silly humour you're just a closet philosopher.);)::p:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member


Well-known member
if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence

then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence

so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist

but the only way to prove that is for me to die

but if i die and cease to exist, there will be no way for me to know

so in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, i must assume that everything else (including you) will also cease to exist the moment i die

the only way for me to believe that everything else will continue to go on in my absence is to have faith, not proof

Nicely put.
It would be fun to discuss this more, especially on acid.

Ha. Haha. Ha.


Well-known member
did you mean that to be rhetorical? either way that's an absolutely brilliant question, so do you have any idea behind why you don't have "faith" in that which you can can't observe?

more of a rhetorical question

(I know deep down behind all the jokes are silly humour you're just a closet philosopher.);)::p:

shhh... don't tell anyone :ironicsmile:


Well-known member
when my father died, my brothers and sister and i hiked back in the woods near a mountain lake that he used to take us to, and we poured his ashes into the waterfall

That sounds much better then a blah funeral. I'm sure your dad was a cool guy and I never met him. :p


Well-known member
if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence
It doesnt depend,but thats how we confirm its existence.

then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence
no,but the confirmation of its existence is dependent TO YOU.

so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist

no,you already verified its existence but you didnt verify its dead or the moment of dead,the logical conclusion would be that it would
continue without you.


Well-known member
Hmm noone can make a conscious robot and noone can be brought back to life (i mean like someone has been dead for a long time). We can't totally build ourselves back up which mean there could be something that made us or something. I think we're special because we are our own thing. I think we fall out of our body somewhere and that there's an afterlife noone understands until we get there. Well at least it seems that way. We may not be aware of ourselves when our current bodies fail (as in intense emotions) until we hit something that has all the properties to make another body. I think souls are real because i've felt and seen things. I'm sensitive and i overfeel things sometimes so yeah just adding to the discussion some extra details.
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Generally decomp starts, but by then hopefully someone knows you're dead. The county coroner or rescue squad is called in to remove the body. Sometimes depending on the circumstances the fire department is called to assist with removal in unusual cases, twice I had to get up in a tree and use my pocket knife to cut a person down cause they had been hung. When a building has burnt the firemen get the bodies out in a body bag because of the danger to the coroner or rescue people. After a head on wreck on the highway one night we had to use chains wrapped around the bumpers of 2 fire trucks to jerk the mangled, twisted, burnt cars apart and get the dead people out, a pregnant girl and her unborn child died and the drunk driver on the wrong side of the road walked away without a scratch. That one really bothered me. Once I had to use an old deuce and half army truck with a crane on the back that belonged to the county road department to lift a tractor off a dead guy that had flipped over on him and killed him as he was bush hogging a hill. One day a guy cut down a big red oak tree and it fell on him, killed him, so us firemen had to cut the tree off him with chainsaws to get the body out. Most people I've seen die in their bed and are buried within 3 or 4 days. People around these parts don't get cremated much. Generally the men in the community gather at the grave yard and the grave is dug by hand in respect to the family. Then us same men fill it back in, one shovel full at a time.


Well-known member
I like to think that we live another life in a different person, maybe a different creature or organism, but really, we'll just be dead and nothing else. I'm inclined to think that death is just like losing consciousness, no sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste. Just nothing except you and your decomposing corpse.


Well-known member
I'd love to believe that we all get to carry on in some alternate world/reality.But the older I get and the more I see,the more I believe we simply cease to exist.I try not to think about that too hard though,it's depressing.

I often wonder if there are so many spirits and otherworldly entities around us like the believers say,how can we never have concrete proof of it?The pics of these things are always blurry and poor quality,like the pics of loch ness monster;)
Despite the fact that I would love to be reincarnated as some rich ladies pampered cat :bigsmile: I believe we just go back to the same state we were in before we were born, nothing.


Well-known member
Despite the fact that I would love to be reincarnated as some rich ladies pampered cat :bigsmile: I believe we just go back to the same state we were in before we were born, nothing.

If we could choose to be reincarnated i would definately come back as a pampered pet cat, thats the life :D


Well-known member
if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence

then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence

so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist

but the only way to prove that is for me to die

but if i die and cease to exist, there will be no way for me to know

so in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, i must assume that everything else (including you) will also cease to exist the moment i die

the only way for me to believe that everything else will continue to go on in my absence is to have faith, not proof

if i can believe that you and the world around you exists without me being able to observe any physical evidence to support it (because i no longer exist after death), then why am i unable to believe in other things that do not have any observable physical evidence?

ummmm..how about you just observe what happens to the other dead people and use that as a proxy?


not actually Fiona Apple
This is our choice to deal with the information:

-> go with a belief of some sort

-> accept it as unknown

I like to skip the first step, and go straight to the second. I don't have the slightest idea what happens when we die, and just plan on waiting to see. I suppose I live my life like something, whatever it is, will happen, so no matter what the outcome I'll have my bases covered. And I like to think something happens, it's extremely unnerving to think we exist for such a short time and for no real purpose, it just devalues life all together to me. If there's no difference between the outcome of dying at birth to dying 90 years later, what's the point of living at all?


Well-known member
I feel that we dont yet have the understandnig as a species as a whole to really comprehend or understand what happens. that its a mystery that we will in a very long long LONG time perhaps understand.

I only said understand, not prevent.

What do i personally feel?.

I feel that we continue, in some form. As what, i dont know.


Well-known member
It's just hard to believe we were once nothing because why do we have consciousness at all? We don't remember when we were in our mother stomachs but we were still considered alive. Just because we don't remember doesn't make it a sure thing.