if i can believe that you and the world around you exists without me being able to observe any physical evidence to support it (because i no longer exist after death), then why am i unable to believe in other things that do not have any observable physical evidence?
if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence
then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence
so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist
but the only way to prove that is for me to die
but if i die and cease to exist, there will be no way for me to know
so in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, i must assume that everything else (including you) will also cease to exist the moment i die
the only way for me to believe that everything else will continue to go on in my absence is to have faith, not proof
did you mean that to be rhetorical? either way that's an absolutely brilliant question, so do you have any idea behind why you don't have "faith" in that which you can can't observe?
(I know deep down behind all the jokes are silly humour you're just a closet philosopher.):
when my father died, my brothers and sister and i hiked back in the woods near a mountain lake that he used to take us to, and we poured his ashes into the waterfall
It doesnt depend,but thats how we confirm its existence.if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence
no,but the confirmation of its existence is dependent TO YOU.then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence
so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist
Despite the fact that I would love to be reincarnated as some rich ladies pampered cat :bigsmile: I believe we just go back to the same state we were in before we were born, nothing.
if the existence of anything depends on the presence of observable evidence
then the existence of the universe is totally dependent on the fact that i am here to observe its existence
so if - in dying - i cease to exist, then the universe will also cease to exist
but the only way to prove that is for me to die
but if i die and cease to exist, there will be no way for me to know
so in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, i must assume that everything else (including you) will also cease to exist the moment i die
the only way for me to believe that everything else will continue to go on in my absence is to have faith, not proof
if i can believe that you and the world around you exists without me being able to observe any physical evidence to support it (because i no longer exist after death), then why am i unable to believe in other things that do not have any observable physical evidence?
ummmm..how about you just observe what happens to the other dead people and use that as a proxy?
as yet, all of the dead people i have encountered have been unable to relate their own experience of death to me
This is our choice to deal with the information:
-> go with a belief of some sort
-> accept it as unknown