What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?


Well-known member
Well i'm not too picky, I would like her to have breast and Vagina :p

Well really, though. I don't think about this anymore. Just like me i would want someone who was very hesitant to answer this question.


New member
In an ideal world, he's be tall and sporty, caring and loyal, with a nice laugh and a good sense of humour and sense of humility..
I'm not picky at all when it comes to possible women of interest, if I get to talk to you and you seem nice and genuinely interested in getting to know me, then that's all I need to get things started and I'll give you a chance, but I do have some wishful ideal traits that I would like... :D

That she's nice, humble, Christian but not a religious nut who can't have a good time, long hair, shorter than me, beautiful smile oooo those just make me melt like an ice cube on a hot day, is more extroverted than me because I do like to go out every now and then but not to the point where its every weekend, that's a little too outgoing for me, basically we can go out clubbing one night and cuddle up with a movie the next, doesn't have to like my interests but just has to TOLERATE them, as I would do the same with her if she had interests that I wasn't too into, that means that she has to put up with my incessant love for DragonBall Z, Godzilla, and The Three Stooges lol, a BIG romantic I love all of that mushy stuff and that she's a little horny too I would love it if I was just watching TV on the couch just chilling and she walks in and starts getting up on me for no reason and whispers in my ear, "take off your pants baby," now THAT'S HOT!!! :lol:
A guy with a sense of humor! A guy who understands my depression and SA. Someone who is not violent like my last two boyfriends. Someone who likes animals and who I can trust. Someone who genuinely wants for me to be happy. Someone attractive. Someone who enjoys sex, lol. Uhhh... a nice dude!?


Well-known member
She has to be visually very attractive to me. I tried the strictly-personality thing for a long time and it didn't work, I just ended up looking at every other girl who walked past. That's a know-it-when-you-see-it kind of deal, there isn't any specific type I go for. Other than that I find it important that she's honest, easygoing, and trustworthy while still being fun. She should have a nurturing side but know when to back off. It's good if she respects my need for space (and my various quirks in general) and doesn't try to run my life for me. She has to laugh at my wisecracks (even if they're stupid) and look up to me to a certain degree. I know that's being picky, but if it's not right, I'd rather just go without.
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Well-known member
Intelligence, open-mindedness, independance, empathy, affection, imperfection, maturity, and an awesome sense of humour.
Interests/hobbies also play a part.
Physically speaking; Male, 5'8"+
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Well-known member
Personality is the most important thing. Caring, considerate, passinate, sweet, Honest, sensitive, artisic, motivated.
Looks help. I like brunettes who are shorter than me (6"1). If she had a poor taste in music it would properly be a deal breaker.
If I could find someone like that I'd find new ways everyday to show her how much she was loved.


Well-known member
What I don't look for or avoid: women who are clingy, needy, jealous, overemotional, judgmental, liars, drama queens, think they're better than everyone else, over anayltical and hypocrites.

What I do look for in women: kindness, understanding, accoutablity, responsible, willing to step out of her comfort zone, good conversation skills.


Well-known member
Kind and caring, most importantly. Also someone who is honest and faithful.

Looks wise I'm usually attracted to brown eyes, brunette, and medium (or a bit shorter) height. There are always exceptions to my usual type though :)


Well-known member
Physically speaking, I'm attracted to all races, body types, heights and personalities (good ones).

But as a minority, it seems like the only ones interested are my own race. I would like to date someone outside my race just once to see how it is.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
these are fun to read! some of them are worse than job ads. It's ironic, i've been looking in the paper for a cocker spaniel, and i read some of the same descriptions there. Im in no position to tease though, i promise! I'd definately want to be with an introvert that was just as reclusive as me, that i could laugh with, and ideally withdraw from the world into the woods or somthing in that line. You guys are too progressive!
Id like a girl who would be willing to wash my clothes for me, make me food whenever i want it (that means stopping what she doing and getting the materials at any time of the day) and she would have to deal with all of the finacial bills, as i would make the money for the relationship.

She would also have to dust, sweep, mop and clean every room of our place until it is all spotless EVERYDAY. I would even inspect everything and if i would find one spec of dust i would break up with her until she realized the mistake she made , and then i would apologize to her the next day after she had a good time to think about what i said. I would give her a break for a day , and she woulnt have to me food for that day ( thank you Mc Donalds).

She wouldnt be allowed any friends and must completly focus on me all the time if she is not busy with chores. Friends arent allowed because friends would take time away from us since i only would get to see her for a few hours of the day. She would also have to be chained up (electronically not with metal...jeez do u think im that possesive...) and not be allowed to go anywhere unless she has my permission.



GOOD LUCK finding a girl whos gonna put up with this!

Serisuly man, I think you should work out your insecurities before making contact with a female.