What do females think of male virgins?


Well-known member
Very rare but its definitely not respected. I was watching this show on National Geographic called Strange Sex and it said that less than 3% of the population are male virgins over 25 years old. Way to go Natgeo making people feel like a carnival freak.

Like I said, I think it's something that SHOULD be respected, even though it's not. I think it's ridiculous. A person's sexuality shouldn't be of anyone else's concern. With today's society and media, they make it seem like people are freaks if they are virgins. There are young kids in junior high that are having sex and getting pregnant. Yet, people judge those that have not been sexually active? I think being virginal is MUCH better than sleeping around and generally being loose. Obviously, not everyone that has sex, is going to be a skank. I'm just saying from the spectrum of never having sex to having loads of sexual partners, the virgin should get a little more respect and not be judged so much. Believe me, I'm a 22 year old virgin and have taken heat from it. As if my sex life (or lack thereof) is their business.


Well-known member
But yeah, virginity isn't a big deal, carrying a sword bigger than yourself is.

Maybe that was a metaphor for personality? I dunno.


You're obviously not meeting the right sorts of women. Some of them actually do appreciate a pleasant fellow with a sense of humor and don't require list of sexual exploits. :)

But yeah, virginity isn't a big deal, carrying a sword bigger than yourself is.

Maybe that was a metaphor for personality? I dunno.

I was referring more to the comment of awkwardness being endearing.
I don't think it's that exactly. I think what is being suggested is that if a guy has reached a certain age and hasn't slept with a woman, then that might be viewed by some girls as strange, and cause them to wonder why the guy hasn't previously lost his virginity. It's not so much that being a virgin would be viewed as bad, but that it might raise questions in the girl's mind about there being something "wrong" with the guy.

Well obviously, there isnt anything wrong with the guy.
If you asking a girl, theres my answer.

He either someone that has respect for girls, or hes someone who couldnt get any. But if he someone who has self-control and isnt doing it because he is waiting for the right girl, or is waiting till marriage, then tats a great guy there.

I still go with my original thought that if a girl thinks a guy is weird, then shes weird herself. If shes happier after she knew about you sleepin around, then shes really odd. she isnt someone who thinks right.

there are these girls out there, its up to you what type of girl you want to go for.

and why would you say this, do you think its odd if a girl didnt sleep around with guys? .. would you respect her less?

to be honest, i wouldnt want to be with a guy who isnt a virgin. virgin guys are rare.
thats actually a big turn off for me.. because i dont like the thought of the guy i love kissing and touching another woman.
it will always play in my mind and i dont think i can handle that feeling. some people can accept that, but i cant.
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Well-known member
At the risk of raising some people's hackles....I have to say, there is a difference between a 19 year old virgin and a 30 year old virgin. If I came upon a 30 year old virgin, I would immediately think he was "damaged goods." I also seriously wonder whether humans are meant to be monogamous. So if the excuse is he is "waiting for the one," well that's great, but is it natural?

Only three percent to five percent of the estimated 5,000 species of mammals are known to form lifelong, monogamous bonds. If you only have sex with one person in your life, you truly will never know what you may be missing. Anyone who has ever had a crazy mind blowing sexual relationship with someone will know what I mean. If humans were meant to be monogamous, wouldn't it come much easier to us? It is rare to find the couple that has spent their whole life together. And the couples I know that have been married 20+ years seem to be pretty freaking done with each other but stay together because it's just easier.

Again, I am not trying to insult anyone, but just giving my female perspective.


Well-known member
You don't think that just being super shy or having severe social anxiety problems is enough to account for a guy being a virgin, or does that in itself go in the damaged goods category?
Yeah, that goes into the damaged goods category...if you are 30 years old.

That being said, I fully admit that I consider myself damaged goods, (for reasons other than above.)


Yeah, that goes into the damaged goods category...if you are 30 years old.

That being said, I fully admit that I consider myself damaged goods, (for reasons other than above.)

Now thats unfair. In my definition damaged goods is a person you can't possibly have a relationship with because they're screwed beyond repair. Like maybe some porn stars or crack heads. But not because someone is dealing with SA and no one has popped their cherry.


Well-known member
Only three percent to five percent of the estimated 5,000 species of mammals are known to form lifelong, monogamous bonds. If you only have sex with one person in your life, you truly will never know what you may be missing. Anyone who has ever had a crazy mind blowing sexual relationship with someone will know what I mean. If humans were meant to be monogamous, wouldn't it come much easier to us? It is rare to find the couple that has spent their whole life together. And the couples I know that have been married 20+ years seem to be pretty freaking done with each other but stay together because it's just easier.

Again, I am not trying to insult anyone, but just giving my female perspective.

I always thought that from a female perspective, it is monogamous? If you look at our closest ape relatives, females cling to one male, but its the males that look for multiple partners.

The idea of a virgin, especially a male virgin is a strange thought in my opinion. There is usually some significant change and pain associated with losing virginity in women, but not in men. What difference does it really make? Basically just a virgin to a specific stimulation? It shouldn't matter.
Yeah, that goes into the damaged goods category...if you are 30 years old.

That being said, I fully admit that I consider myself damaged goods, (for reasons other than above.)

So you consider a guy who has not had sex by the magical age of 30 "damaged goods"!?

Thats a very judgemental attitude to have imo. There can be many, many reasons why a guy has not had sex by 30. People automatically giving them a negative label indicates just how screwed up societies attitudes are.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I always thought that from a female perspective, it is monogamous? If you look at our closest ape relatives, females cling to one male, but its the males that look for multiple partners.
You should take another look our closest relatives then. Both sexes are actually pretty slutty.

As far as natural tendencies towards monogamy, our species could be considered in the middle ground. We don't have a strong biological compulsion to mate for life, but we're not total sluts either. That leaves a lot of leeway for free will.

Monogamy isn't that relevant to virginity anyway. You could remain a virgin until 43 and then bang a whole bunch of people.


Well-known member
Now thats unfair. In my definition damaged goods is a person you can't possibly have a relationship with because they're screwed beyond repair. Like maybe some porn stars or crack heads. But not because someone is dealing with SA and no one has popped their cherry.

There are A LOT of things that can make someone damaged goods. To be a virgin at 30 years old you have had to fought every biological urge inside your body for the past 15 or so years. At some point that becomes...abnormal. I fully realize stating this on a message board dedicated to people with social anxiety is gonna piss some people off, but hey, he wanted female opinions and I'm giving him mine. Anyway, what is the cutoff? How about a 50 year old virgin....do you think that is normal or do you think that person has serious issues they are dealing with?


Well-known member
I don't want to argue what age is 'normal' for someone to be a virgin. I believe that when a person is ready, they are ready. If it never happens, it's a little sad, but that's just how things are. People choose when they want to do it or if they want it at all (and of course there are the outside factors, but even then there's choice somewhere).


There are A LOT of things that can make someone damaged goods. To be a virgin at 30 years old you have had to fought every biological urge inside your body for the past 15 or so years. At some point that becomes...abnormal. I fully realize stating this on a message board dedicated to people with social anxiety is gonna piss some people off, but hey, he wanted female opinions and I'm giving him mine. Anyway, what is the cutoff? How about a 50 year old virgin....do you think that is normal or do you think that person has serious issues they are dealing with?

No I dont consider it normal, nor do I deny that I have issues. I just guess my definition of damaged goods is different from yours. To me someone thats damaged goods would do nothing but cause misery to anyone that tried to have a relationship with them.