What did you do over xmas?

I spent the entire day alone, went running this morning and spent the rest of xmas day watching netflix by myself. What did you do?


Well-known member
good job for running. I was too scared to be seen running on xmas so I stayed in and played PS3 all day and ate my face off.

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Just got home from my parents', about four hours total travel by Greyhound there & back.
Pretty good this year, fifth year w/o my older-by-9-years half-brother and his family since they inexplicably dumped us and we haven't heard from them since.

So, just me mom & dad, trying to keep the cheer up so the hole where my bro's family should be isn't too black & gaping, steering the convo away from that topic so my mom doesn't run to the bathroom crying.

Still had a good time. But, still an underlying sadness kind of washing through the whole day.::(:

And the best 'hound ride yet (besides the cell-talkers) with no anxiety about other passengers whatsoever, giving me time to make a list of things to talk about, since I go blank around people (inc. family).

And I got a home-baked apple pie to bring home, so I'm happy about that:D.

Right now, tho' - strangely depressed...

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
I went to my mom's freind's place. They were all very conservative/christian. So a lot of thier debates and conversations made me uncomfortable. They had some good food and some cute dogs to pet. Also the very pretty, sexy italian neighbor came over. She is a dancer, very nice lady, has an accent. She breeds these wolf/dog hybrids, so they were hollowing all night, it was pretty cool. I got some neat stuff, over all I'd say it was a lot better than last christmas, but I was thinking about my cousin a lot.


Well-known member
Stayed at home watching movies and eating,was suposed to go to the gym,but didnt::(:,but I am used to spend Christmas and new years alone or with my father.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
spent the day alone also, just lying on my bed listening to music mostly.. probably my most depressing christmas so far.

I did pretty much the same thing. Spent Christmas Day by myself in my room, listening to music and watching the stand-up comedy DVDs I got as present from my mum. So it wasn't an entirely depressing day. I also made a start reading Russell Brand's My Booky Wook 2 - I enjoyed the first book, so hopefully this one will be just as good.


Active member
I spent christmas totally alone, my housemates went to see their families, so i was watching tv, playing guitar...
Going back to work on tuesday, just cant wait till somebody ask me how was my christmas...
Planning to do the same on new years... yayyy...


Well-known member
I .. what did I do again ? Right, Just a regular day, only it ended with a: "Happy Christmas dad..". Oh and he answered "Hmm .." xD


Well-known member
I just spent the day with my family. My dad had to go to work early, so I ended up spending the other half of the day with my brother and my mom. Just a relaxing day overall.


I spent Xmas day with my loud Italian family I was feeling so anxious as I hardly got any sleep the night before and I hate all the mindless chatter and arguing they do I had to be there for about 5 hours it was torture I did not enjoy myself one bit glad it's over now


Well-known member
I work at a Vet clinic so i had to work from 7am-11pm then 3-7pm then 8-10pm. By the time i was done with work, all the festivities were over. :(


Well-known member
slept in, had some bagels, watched movies, went to aunt's house and ate, after dessert watched another movie there, and played catch with the dog :)


Well-known member
I woke up at half 12, sat around watching TV with the family, opened presents at around half 2 then spent most of the rest of the day on the computer. But it was alright I suppose for a Christmas with SA/depression.


Well-known member
I just stayed in my room at my apartment till my roommate asked me if I could go see Tron with him since no one else was available. The movie was visually gorgeous so even though we barely said anything to each other I am thankful that he paid for my ticket.


Well-known member
i'v being ill, and i still am.

Ate nothing for like almost 3 days now :/

Had 10 shots of whiskey thats about it tbh.

Spent sometime with the family which was ok :) would of being better if i felt better though.