What did you do over xmas?


Well-known member
still not feeling the best. just gotta get through work tomorrow and i can go to the doctors
ps- feel better Liam


Well-known member
Watched DVDs in the morning and spent the evening with my dysfunctional family.

I could take or leave Christmas. It is difficult because on Christmas Day every year, I am made to spend quality 'family time' with my brother who I can't stand.

It is not Christmas I don't like, it is what it is associated with. Sorry, don't mean to be negative.

Probably, spend New Years alone. I would like to go out, however I have no one to go out with ::(:.




Well-known member
Spent the weekend up at my parents place.

Went swimming at the beach on xmas day

Parents and me went to one of mum's friend's place for dinner that evening. Was quite pleasant, both the meal and the socialising.

On Sunday, did a little bit of shopping and a short stroll beside the river, but was raining a little so didn't go far.


Well-known member
I slept in (first xmas where my sister didn't wake me up at 6am). Ate a tasty breakfast with my mom, then went over to my sister's for dinner and stuff and presents. Got a bottle of red wine which made everything lalala goooooood.


Well-known member
watched tv and played on the PS3, I didn't have the guts to do some shopping beforehand, so no cakes, pies or special meals.