What book are you currently reading?


Well-known member
I read her Anthem and liked the read, it is not nearly as long as Atlas Shrugged which I believe (?) is extremely long. If you like philosophy though, she does a great job at expressing hers through fiction. She's an objectivist which I am the total opposite of, and still interested me so she must be a darn tootin' good writer! :thumbup:

I've been wanting to read that. Her "We the Living" is one of my favorite books, so I want to try out her others.
I've been waiting until I was done with my semester so I had time! I'm half way in now, I thought I would be put off a little after seeing the movie first but not at all, it's good!


I'm still working on this puppy. It's surprisingly hard to finish. Or maybe that's the OCD talking.


I can't wait to take pictures and show you guys all the destruction I've caused! :applause:


Well-known member
Haven't started reading yet but my brother just bought the entire 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series off ebay. That's about 6000ish pages of fantasy fiction, sure to keep me occupied for some time.


Well-known member
Finally one chapter away from finishing "The Power of Now", I usually read one chapter and then put it aside for many weeks until I pick it up again.


Well-known member
I actually bought a few books from Amazon this week. I already started reading "The Anti-Anxiety Toolkit" which deals with techniques for relieving intense anxiety whenever it occurs. I also got "At Left Brain Turn Right" which is about finding yourself and your inner creativity and "Speed Learning Secrets Of NLP" because I was interested.

Now I just need the focus necessary to read without being distracted by my own thoughts.


Well-known member
How have I never seen this thread?! I love reading... I am currently at about 70% of the book, And the Mountains Echoed. Written by Khaled Hosseini.

I've read from this author before, and loved it.... so far this book is very good. Its the story a father shares with his son. About another father and his journey to provide for his family.nits beautifully written.

This author's prior works include The Kite Runner, and A Thousand Splendid Suns.


Well-known member
I'm re-reading one of my favorite Dean Koontz books called Watchers. I'm also re-reading a John Grisham book called The Partner.

I didn't use to read a book more than once but a friend told me about the joys of revisiting stories a few years ago and she was right. I enjoy reading some books for the 2nd or 3rd time almost as much as I enjoy reading them for the 1st time.


not actually Fiona Apple

I am so super extremely excited about the second movie after finishing the second book, there's so much they can do with it to make an amazingly awesome movie. They best live up to the expectations!


Well-known member

I am so super extremely excited about the second movie after finishing the second book, there's so much they can do with it to make an amazingly awesome movie. They best live up to the expectations!
^ Yeah I'm excited too! Catching Fire was my favorite and I am so pumped for the movie this fall!

I see you finally made it to Mockingjay. Be prepared to have lots of overwhelming feelings. And maybe cry a little.


Well-known member
I'm currently reading this for an online history class. It's actually not too bad, but a little dry.


And then started this book last night after my nutritionist gave it to me to read. Definitely interesting, but the writing is fairly terrible.
