Through Cougar Eyes [Puma's journal]


Well-known member
YAY for social interaction, Puma! :)

Learning how to take compliments is an art some people never master... (and survive without it too..) The best way (I read) is to simply say, 'Thanks' and smile... :) Or maybe say, 'Glad you like it' for any compliments on work or such...

Hope your finances get straightened and you get paid LOTS of money!!! :)
/Maybe they can pay you 'backwards' then, for stuff you've already done too?)

A friend of mine said that working full time was kinda preventing her to write much too.. Soo, just take your time.. It's good to hear from you though! :)

Keep ROCKIN'!!


Well-known member
hey puma :)
Working is such a hugeee step and I've been all ":O! GO PUMA :D!" while reading your journal lately!
Don't put too much pressure on speedy changes... slow sticks :) so try not to focus on how you respond to compliments too much... because you're far ahead in your game

Although you could always 'fake it 'till you make 'it' with the compliments, and fake a thanks. It might sound like playing pretend, but truly it is not... It is fake until we repeat it enough and almost subconsciously begin to agree

I know what you mean about the 3 days sucking all of the productivity out of you. Even though that's a lot more work than I do, just getting out of the door to school 3x a week sucks all efforts away from anything else. It does take up time and sure does make life fly by a lot quicker, though


Well-known member
YAY for acceptance!! :)

And don't spend it all on games, lol!! :)

Maybe save some for food or expenses in the future, or maybe for when you're going to live on your own or such? If you keep having 225% increases at least a few times a year, this could be a lot soon!! :)

How long will you be working there? Anything lined up for afterwards? If not, this money could come handy...?

I'm really impressed that you like working better than school - gives me hope!!
And yeah, I liked two jobs better than school too I guess..

lol Saying Thanks is not grovelling.. Like you said, it's making other people feel good, and you learn social skills (and get paid for it!!) Think of it as 'acting' and 'experimenting'? Pretend to be Orlando Bloom when you say thanks? ;)
And you are experimenting to see if it 'works' and how the responses of people are? (Do report!)

PS Don't badmouth Tetris!! (It's the only game I like, lol!!) Doing eco projects is a lot like doing Tetris too.. you look for people/ideas/things that 'fit' together!!


Well-known member
I'm happy to hear you're finally going to get your keyboard Puma :)

And, your ambiance project makes me want to be there to see it! It's a fabulous idea.

I think not feeling like yourself is one of those side-effects to getting outside of your comfort zone for longer periods of time. It's a side effect that something you are doing is really challenging your old ways...A scary feeling, and one that is hard to pass off, IMO it's a side effect of achievement over the main cause of avoidance with SA which is trying to tighten our grasp on our comfort zone/control zone
Re: @ ''EscapeArtist''

You might just be right. There have been those ''Oh, I should just quit'' moment, and very often at that. I would only be natural for it to happen unconsciously too.

The epically short sleep hours don't really help either I guess. Slept only 45 minutes last night, then ran an 8 hour shift. After today I was literally out of it when I came home.

I'm gonna watch my sleep better from now on, let's see if that does helps.

Man, how do they say it in the movies?

You have cojones.

45 Minutes sleep, then ran an 8 hour shift? I need at least 9 hours a night.
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Well-known member
Yay!! You're finally getting that keyboard of yours :D Looking forward to hearing about those funtimes
I don't think your replica is a 'loss' at all! Sure it's creepy, but the moon is quite creepy too... I think they are equally creepy. It must have been fun to make, too :)
The cat situation sounds like a pain... Neutering, while a sickening idea, definitely does more good than harm. Especially if even she seems unhappy the way she is... And can you imagine if nobody neutered their kitties? Oiii. Goodluck to ya'


Well-known member
Whoa, me too. Intermittent pink vertical lines too? They appeared a few days ago and it's been painful since then. If I don't manage to get a new one in the next few days - and I most likely won't - I will either have to stop being on the computer altogether or lose my eyesight (knowing me, the latter being more likely to happen :rolleyes:)


not actually Fiona Apple
Re: Journal update: 13-02-2011

Unfortunate news all. My graphic card semi-kicked it. Meaning that I have about 16 colors to work with, and a EXTREMELY distorted screen in overall. And in case you're thinking ''Hey, but you're writing this right now, aren't yah?''. Well yes, but I can't see what I'm writing right now. I'm just trying and hoping to almighty God that it comes out alright. For all I know I've been accidentally writing swearwords this entire time.

Anyway. The point being of this post is that I might dissapear for a while.

Well that sucks. I hope you get a new graphic card soon, or winning will become to easy :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Puma.. I'm sorry that you are feeling uncomfortable and unsettled!
Could being unsettled and without structure, temporarily, be a good thing?
To practice getting used to the feeling of floating around a bit, with the change? Another way of taking yourself out of your comfort zone
It sounds like a bit much.. All the changes you are going through. But if you can't help to ease them... maybe you could use it to benefit your adaptability

I know what you mean about people all randomly leaving this site! Well , I do that on and off... But I mean, gosh it's so odd how everybody seems to up and leave on here at the same time! I think when one person leaves, a few others don't have as much need to get on, and it creates this big chain. New chains always form, though.. It's sad to hear that you're re-living past traumas through this. People leaving is so hard to get used to. I don't think anybody ever gets used to it... I can't offer you advice on that one! I have none

Ohh Puma It's okay we know that! You're working SO HARD and honestly it inspires me to push through many things so often! In fact I think your 'chaotic' times have inspired me to start looking for jobs in general. I realize some of this chaos is apart from all the job.. Hang in there love, there are always some constants if you look close enough


Well-known member
Re: Mini journal update: 01(/02)-04-2011

As it turned out, it was a sleep problem. I slept fine, went to work, and had little, to no, remaining negative feelings after I got home. I was able to sit down, watch some TV and relax at last.

I even got back into drawing. Nothing impressive, because I haven't really drawn anything for a year or so, but the start is a good change. :3

Now I only need to start eating/drinking properly, and I'll be on the 'right' path.

Very important. I HOPE it continues; expect some dip even with a consistent sleep pattern and diet; don't let anything like that discourage you. You are on the right path! At very least, the right direction. Wish I was.


Well-known member
Yay glad to hear that you found one of the missing components of your days! To hear that you're drawing again made me smile, from what I've seen you're really good at it! Especially perspective
If you haven't touched up the eat/drink area then you've got a lot more feel-gooding to strike upon
So much progress in this journal. This seems like a Puma-life-revolution!
I'm still impressed/inspired that you got a job! lol don't move too fast won't be able to keep up


Well-known member
^could you incorporate a treadmill or pedal/cycle something or other?

I'm getting too sedentary as it is.


Well-known member
Nooooos don't take it down!!
I really enjoyed your story :D Kept me reading and it captures the feeling of unlimited symbols/microcosms/metaphors that a good story of any kind does. At first I was thinking, wow that's a lot of text. And then I really got into it and was sad when the story ended. Count on me to be your first customer for a copy of the comic when it's complete.

Keeping it up is a challenge!! It feels horrible to be so out in the open and visible. It's so difficult for me as well every time I post. I stop coming on this site for days sometimes. I have not been on except to post simply because I'm posting as much as I do. But this is the challenge of not regretting what you wanted at the time. It's a challenge to not be captives to fear.

Not to mention, I completely adore reading your journal. When I see a long post I'm all "Yay". You're one of those people that I love to "listen" (/read?) to.

It's interesting, the almost hidden effects that sleep has had on people. Especially as an emotional numbing agent... It makes so much sense. I'm really glad that you've figured out that little piece of the puzzle that is the translation of you in this moment

Oh holy crap... I am living a de ja vu that has lasted this entire post and keeps beating me to the future


Well-known member
Re: Journal update: 09-07-2011

I've decided to start making little progress videos on piano. It'll make a nice addition for this journal too, because a picture speak more then a thousand words, and there's 24 of 'em in each second of a video.

Here's the first video. A nice and simple song; The Song of Healing, from The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask.

YouTube - ‪Piano Noob Logs: 001 - Song of Healing - Koji Kondo‬‏

beautiful, looking forward to seeing your progress and new videos.

this was also one of my first songs too. :>


not actually Fiona Apple
Re: Journal update: 09-07-2011

I've decided to start making little progress videos on piano. It'll make a nice addition for this journal too, because a picture speak more then a thousand words, and there's 24 of 'em in each second of a video.

Here's the first video. A nice and simple song; The Song of Healing, from The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask.

YouTube - ‪Piano Noob Logs: 001 - Song of Healing - Koji Kondo‬‏

Nice, good job! You can never go wrong playing LOZ songs, they are perfect for instruments. I love Song of Storms, I always get it stuck in my head. I actually got my sister to play on her flute for me the other day :D


Ahh you are lucky to be in vacations *wished the same*

ohh when are you coming to portugal? is your boyfriend portuguese? sorry sor the questions.

ohh and gaming im been not playing like i used to and i miss it but i bough a psp for my lil sis so back to some games xD

and oh that phone it seems really cool though i saw the comercials all the time on tv though

btw and wb :)


Re: @Dani F

Yeah, he is. ;3 I'm going to Portugal on 23th of August. So in 3 days.

Ah, PSP is fun too! I used to have one but it broke. Especially platform games are fun for it.

Isn't it? Perfect for a game-nerd like me. :D

wow its almost there are going to lisbon right

ohh yeah im gonna buy some games soon :D...any suggestion?

then u made the right choice