I'm sorry Puma

That you're feeling this way. I wish there was more than an E-hug I could give, and a listening ear, but you know you can send me angry rants all the time, In fact I love them, they are filled with so much emotion and it helps so much just to type it out to somebody who can listen! / read. By the way, my therapist always says that usually feelings are actually UNDER-exaggerated, not over. Your use of "pretty in a post" language is the most helpful kind, raw, brutal, true, relieving.
All I feel like I can say is that some people are on totally different paths in life, on totally different energy levels, and there are others that are on similar paths and energy levels, and they will resonate with you, they're out there. It feels like a weird question to ask, but do you have friends you can go to? Or your boyfriend, did you guys end it a long time ago (i could be totally out of the loop) Because I feel like that's what could help you so much to feel like somebody is on the same wavelength, to listen and such, or maybe if you guys ended it, that little bit of support needs to be rebuilt in some way . If I lived in (????Holland or something????) I would be right over as soon as that was posted, but alas, this will have to do
Kittens hugging each other! - YouTube
I know that you're a ****ing awesome person with a logical and strong mind that can always push through these moments and find a way to make things work.