The Good & The Bad

There's just about always two sides to the coin. So......

What's going well for you at the moment?:)
What's not so good?::(:


Well-known member
The Good: I'm so close to finally being all done with high school. The last day of school is only 3 weeks away and graduation is in a month. Then I can finally get started on summer projects and such.

The Bad: Unfortunately I have a lot that could go under here. But to keep it short (and quite vague), I don't feel good at all today, just thinking of all the social situations coming up within the next month makes me extremely anxious, and I've been dealing with not-so-nice people lately.


Well-known member
Good: work-related stuff is going well, I'm saving up nicely at the moment. I've got a nice long trip to Portugal coming up soon. I'm working out and seeing results.

Bad: I'm feeling a little on the lonely side lately, which is quite unusual for me. Also, my study isn't going too terribly well.


Well-known member
Good: I woke up today
Bad: Got a ton of school work to do in the next week, including a major term-paper, and I cannot get motivated at all. Just feel like laying in bed all week. Feeling really apathetic lately and can't seem to shake it.


Pirate from the North Pole
Good: I'm feel as though I'm coming back from the verge of depression. Yay!

Good to hear that :) Good thread idea, let's see for me.....

Good: I've been generally not depressed in the last 2 months. I have been accepted at university for september... at least I think it goes in the good things. I'm in a very healthy period of my life (physically).

Bad: I can't find a job and with university in september.... Serious money problems ahead o_O. And I'm totally mixed up because I'm not sure I'm choosing the right field for me... I know it might sound silly but it makes me very worried :/


Well-known member
Good:basically it seems I am really respected at work,at least from my superiors.

Bad:I am already 24,should be living alone or with a significant other,probably going back to my native country where I am relatively poor,dont have an education yet,really like my boxing gym dont want to stop going there,I am overweight,ugly,not good enough and etc.
Great topic!! :)


-I'm gonna make a phone call with my girlfriend tonight. Looking forward to talk to her. (L)

-Just made a new video today, it's been a while since I recorded vids for youtube. I really enjoy Ice tea, I just bought ice tea today :D.

-I'm going to mountainbike with a friend tomorrow, and we're going to eat at MCdonald's. Looking forward to it!, Oh and I will be teaching him how to skateboard:p He loves everything about BMX and skating too ::p:

-I justed watched a funny movie last night ''American Beauty'' had great fun with my family watching it.

-Reading ''The Power Of Now'' really makes me feel good somehow, it is an uplifting read and very inspirational, i love it.

-Still worried about my appearance, I uploaded this vid, and I think I look totally weird in this vid, although i might tell something good in the blog, I still look stupid while telling it live on youtube :S. But I'll leave it on, I should live with it.

-My left eye hurts, I don't know where this pain comes from, but I got it after showering :S weird.. It is frustrating, but If I don't think about it, I forgot about it again. lol

(wow i wrote a lot, sorry for that! XD)


Well-known member
I can´t really come up with much today, but okay I guess I´m looking forward to moving to a better appartment soon

Feel horrible for having to give up another relationship recently
Feel lonely because I have so little human contact
Feel miserable for not doing anything and not being able to put important or interesting stuff into my empty existance


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
This thread is clearly missing something. I shall amend.



Well-known member
good- I have enough money saved to seriously start looking for an apartment of my own

bad- Just went to the doctor today, apparently I have a cut on the white part of my eye accompanied by a viral infection. Not fun.
Good: er......*thinks hard*......I am living in a peaceful country.

Bad: My disappointment in myself is reaching astronomical proportions.
good It's hot weather, which is nice and summery

bad It's hot weather, which means I'm sweaty when i sleep at night and panic attacks come quicker and worse.


Well-known member
Good - Totally inspired and motivated.

Bad - Extremely poor right now and feeling pressured.
Good - um.......?........oh, I did not have to go outside the house today.:)

Bad - I can't get something I want, but can't have, out of my thoughts.::(: