Take this quiz


Active member
Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A

The seasonal affective thing is kind of off; I hate winter because it gets dark too early and it's freezing, but I also hate summer because it stays sunny and nice out so long and I have nowhere to go and just sit in my room looking at the sun come through the window...


Well-known member
Major Depression: Very High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: Very High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Major Depression: Extremely High
Dysthymia: Extremely High
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A

I don't know how accurate this really is, though...


Well-known member
Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Extremely High
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Very Slight
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Slight
Cyclothymia: Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Moderate
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Moderate
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A

I answered as honestly as I could, though with some of these test people just click what they want to be. Though, like others, I'm skepictal to how accurate the test is.
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Well-known member
Major Depression: Extremely High
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
i dont really get the whole seasonal stuff
i love winter and colder months. and i love rainy, snowy, and cloudy weather
i hate summer and the heat and the sun. bleh
has nothing to do with whether or not im depressed


Well-known member
i dont really get the whole seasonal stuff
i love winter and colder months. and i love rainy, snowy, and cloudy weather
i hate summer and the heat and the sun. bleh
has nothing to do with whether or not im depressed

/shrug Must've answered a question somewhere that stated your mood varies upon the season and/or weather? XD

Disorder ----- Your Score
Major Depression: Slight
Dysthymia: Slight-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A

Guess that's about right. =U I've pretty much got control of the depression part, just need to kick the Anxiety and Self Image stuffs.
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Well-known member
Here we go:

Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: Very High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Very Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Major Depression: High-Moderate
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Very Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A

New high score!!...oh wait..


Well-known member
Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very High
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A



Well-known member
Major Depression: Very Slight
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Major Depression: Moderate
Dysthymia: Slight-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Moderate
Dysthymia: Slight-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Extremely High
Cyclothymia: Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Slight
Cyclothymia: Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Major Depression: Very High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Well-known member
Here Are Your Scores:
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Very High
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: Extremely High
Cyclothymia: Very High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Extremely High
Postpartum Depression : NA

Oh boy.