Strange Girl


Well-known member
I overheard one of my employees whispering to another about me. "I don't understand why one minute she's so warm and caring then the next she's cold and standoffish. She's so strange."

Yeah.I AM strange. And what's wrong with that? I don't expect the world to be certain way to cater to me so why speak poorly of me just because you don't understand? Sometimes I feel like wearing a little badge on my shirt that reads, "Hi...I'm a self aware Borderline with a side of SA.I'm hot and cold depending on how well I'm controlling my BPD triggers and my SA triggers.Have a nice day."

It's hard knowing you have mental issues that not a whole lot of people understand.

I'm bitter and angry today. I feel used for my kindness then tossed aside when I'm struggling and not so kind. If that's what being an active member of the human race is all about...I'll just stick to being on my own.


Well-known member
I overheard one of my employees whispering to another about me. "I don't understand why one minute she's so warm and caring then the next she's cold and standoffish. She's so strange."

Yeah.I AM strange. And what's wrong with that? I don't expect the world to be certain way to cater to me so why speak poorly of me just because you don't understand? Sometimes I feel like wearing a little badge on my shirt that reads, "Hi...I'm a self aware Borderline with a side of SA.I'm hot and cold depending on how well I'm controlling my BPD triggers and my SA triggers.Have a nice day."

It's hard knowing you have mental issues that not a whole lot of people understand.

I'm bitter and angry today. I feel used for my kindness then tossed aside when I'm struggling and not so kind. If that's what being an active member of the human race is all about...I'll just stick to being on my own.


Don't listen to them and screw what they think or say. Though I do not think it is a personal attack they just do not understand your ways. It can be very confusing when someone acts nice and warm and then the opposite though but they don't know what is going on with you but to most people they just call it "strange".

I immediately clicked onto this thread just for the fact it said "strange girl" because I am naturally drawn to strange, I love strange, so don't think of it as a bad thing, just be yourself! :)

You are not alone, and most of the real world's way of thinking sucks which is why I do more loner things than anything but just hang in there and if you ever need to vent, I'm here!


Well-known member
people often fear what they cannot understand

so they distance themselves

as a means of protection


Well-known member
I know it's probably easier said than done, but don't let the things your co-workers say get to you. Hang in there.

Your post actually made me think of my senior project that I'll be working on all next semester. I'm shooting a series of photos depicting various mental illnesses (BPD and SA are included), and I've been wondering what the reaction of my classmates and professors will be when I have to present each photo and give them a brief explanation of the mental illness being depicted. I'll find out eventually.


Well-known member
I know it's probably easier said than done, but don't let the things your co-workers say get to you. Hang in there.

Your post actually made me think of my senior project that I'll be working on all next semester. I'm shooting a series of photos depicting various mental illnesses (BPD and SA are included), and I've been wondering what the reaction of my classmates and professors will be when I have to present each photo and give them a brief explanation of the mental illness being depicted. I'll find out eventually.

It wouldn't be so bad if they were just coworkers...but these are employees that I personally hired. It is hard being in charge of people when they don't understand and respect you enough to not gossip about you.

I feel like I'm walking on eggshells to avoid being called strange. lol

Your project sounds really interesting. Have you found it difficult to photograph things that depict disorders you can't really see? I love the will be a very educational day for your professors and your classmates.


Well-known member
You could always tell them that you overheard them and it hurts your feelings to hear such things.
If they hear from you that you have feelings, they might understand that you *are a person just like them* and begin to understand you a bit more?

That has worked for me in the past.
I hear everything and I often will mention that I overheard them - which in turn usually makes them feel embarrassed but people should know that just because you're 12 feet away from a person doesn't mean they can't hear you.

Same with kitchen staff, swearing at eachother during work hours... people in the dining room can often hear every word.
...also same thing with people picking their nose or changing clothes in their car- or walking around their house naked; windows are CLEAR for a reason!
People need to be reminded of that sometimes.
You got the power to hire and you also got the power to fire.......if they value their job they'd better stop gossiping and get on with their work. Aren't you tempted to use your power in this situation?
My boss said at a meeting he doesn't want to hear any gossip. It goes against the grain of morale and team-work. Could you do the same?


Well-known member
You got the power to hire and you also got the power to fire.......if they value their job they'd better stop gossiping and get on with their work. Aren't you tempted to use your power in this situation?
My boss said at a meeting he doesn't want to hear any gossip. It goes against the grain of morale and team-work. Could you do the same?

I'm not tempted to use my power. Malicious gossip that is hurting the business is something to fire people over...meaningless gossip that just happens to hurt the overly sensitive boss's feelings is not worth firing someone over.


Well-known member
You are better off without them "understanding you or liking you".
I wish we didn´t care so much about other peoples opinions, difficult I know. People AAALLLWAYS think I´m strange/standoffish/arrogant, etcetera. I wish we could all be mindin our own business mainly.


Well-known member
I don't know what it is but something I've noticed is that people tend to say how they really feel about the shy person right when the shy person is within earshot. There have been numerous times people have insulted me while within my earshot.

I think it's because they relate hearing with talking. They feel because we don't talk as much that we don't hear very well. If only they knew that I hear every word that comes out of their mouth. A couple times I've surprised people by calling them out....."Yes, I heard that. And you know what? I'm not an as-----. You might want to keep that down a bit next time."


Well-known member
I hear everything and I often will mention that I overheard them - which in turn usually makes them feel embarrassed but people should know that just because you're 12 feet away from a person doesn't mean they can't hear you.

Same with kitchen staff, swearing at eachother during work hours... people in the dining room can often hear every word.
...also same thing with people picking their nose or changing clothes in their car- or walking around their house naked; windows are CLEAR for a reason!
People need to be reminded of that sometimes.

Well said, especially the part about the windows. One of my new neighbors definitely needs to be reminded of that <___<

Anyhow.. people are just a*******. They undermine whatever they don't understand. Stuff like this happens to me all the time, and most of the time they say it loudly on purpose it seems.

Like whenever I was alone in the mornings at high school before classes began, there was always this group of girls that would pass by my hangout, talking obnoxiously loud, and as they would get closer to me they would become silent and as soon as they passed by me they would start giggling and saying things like "Oh my God, she's so tense" loud and clear. At one point they all turned around to look at me after they passed by and saw me staring at them with a nasty look like saying "Yeah that's right b****es I can hear you" and they never passed by my hangout again after that.

So yeah. People are insufferable, ignorant, narcissistic parasites that feed off of others' misery. It's just a fact of life.


Well-known member
A couple times I've surprised people by calling them out....."Yes, I heard that. And you know what? I'm not an as-----. You might want to keep that down a bit next time."

I've just recently gotten to the point where I can chime in when I hear people talking about me. Most recently I replied with "Hey, are you talking about me? Can I join in? I've got some really juicy gossip on myself!"

I'm still quite proud of myself for that one. Too bad my boldness was gone by the next day and I was reduced to cowering in the corner worse than usual!


Well-known member
I think it's their self defense mechanism kicking in. They feel personal receiving this treatment from you, even when you can't control it, and they feel that you are doing that because of something wrong with them. It's natural, even if I do blank people, I think that there's something wrong with me if people blank me, so I react against them.


Well-known member
I don't really have any advice here, but I'm sorry to hear they were gossiping about you.

You could mention that you heard them talking and that might get them to at least say sorry. That's quite a big move, though.