The Hunger Games - 9.5/10
I went into this thinking "huh, this is really popular so it's probably a little overrated" but came out thinking "crap this is totally awesome now I'm just like everyone else" because it was totally awesome. Not so much the "hunger games" part of it, but the politics and whatnot around it, and the idea of the dystopian world it takes place in is just engulfing. Engulfing is totally the wrong world, but yes, awesomeness interesting smartnessism of a movie. And book! I want to read the book now, rarely does a movie make me want to read the book. (usually the opposite)
I read the books first, so I prefer them. But THG is one of the better book adaptations I've seen recently. They only changed a few things. The books are definitely worth checking out!
Argo 8.5/10
I loved it! I knew next to nothing about this whole situation going into it. And I'm still not sure how much is fact and how much is fiction, but it was interesting, funny, sad, and intense.
This is the 4th of the 9 movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar that I've seen this year. I've given them all an 8.5. They have all been very good movies. I can see why Argo won, but personally I think Lincoln was the best so far.
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