Question for Women


Well-known member
Don't do it. Just imagine how special it will feel when you are having your first experience with someone you love and who loves you, rather than someone who is doing it as a job and has no emotional connection to you whatsoever.

If you must know what it feels like, buy a fleshlight or something.


I can't imagine that having sex with a prostitute is enjoyable. Sorry but I like kissing, a lot, and intimacy, and sensuality, and I just can't imagine there's a lot of any of those when some girl is checking the clock on her cell phone every 5 minutes. I just think it wouldn't give you what you're looking for or it wouldn't be what you're expecting at all.


Well-known member
If you are worried what a potential partner might think then don't do it. I can imagine it could create some anxiety problems of its own. Worrying about telling you partner, worrying about if you don't tell them whether they might find out. Worrying if you might get an STD nad infect someone esle.
:) People who do sex work can be uni students, single mums, anyone earning a living who chooses to offer sex as a service, not just the steetworker types earning for drugs. I see it as two people agreeing to be intimate much the same as a couple having fun together after meeting at a nightclub. One of the aims of Australia's sex worker's union is...

"To strive to eradicate sex worker stereotypes and stigmatisation in the popular consciousness and to communicate the diversity of ideas, opinions and aspirations of past and present sex workers"

- Welcome to the Scarlet Alliance Homepage

Piglet Boy

Well-known member
If you are worried what a potential partner might think then don't do it. I can imagine it could create some anxiety problems of its own. Worrying about telling you partner, worrying about if you don't tell them whether they might find out. Worrying if you might get an STD nad infect someone esle.

I agree.. Why do people fall ilnto the thinking that being a virgin/non virgin is a big deal?

Love/Sex is special and sacred if you want it to be. If you expect your partner to be trashy, then you yourself probably have the same values. However, if you value it, then your standard in seeking what you want to seek is there !

Kids these days, no control, lack of discipline and rationale. That is why America is falling on its knees. All the social welfare and bailouts ! Jeez.

Prostitutes are bad and dirty. Better ones would've gone into PORN, so your stuck w/ a lot of sex workers w/ risk. No matter how you cut it, the RISK is there. Why would you expose such risk? To please your conscious?


Well-known member
Well if its legal in your country and you want to do it why not?

Your future girl doesnt need to know ;),it is likely that if she has something similar she wont tell you either.


Well-known member
I'm not sure anyone would openly endorse you visiting a prostitute because we've all been conditioned to believe that paying for sex is wrong, but ultimately, it's your decision to make. Don't base it on what someone may or may not think of you. What you want is all-important. As others have mentioned, if you do decide to go ahead with it, you can always opt to take that 'secret' with you to your grave, if you wish.

Personally I've never considered going to a prostitute, even though they're legal and widespread over here. But then again I'm not a virgin. Still, it's not like I ever held back because I wanted 'true love'. I just enjoy the challenge of getting to know a woman and then taking it to the next level if that's what we both want. It's far more rewarding that way, and you have the guarantee that the other person is doing it because they want to, not because they're being paid to. That feels like a massive achievement when you deal with things like anxiety, and it makes the experience that much more fulfilling.


Well-known member
Let's say you just started dating someone and the subject of sex comes up. What would you think of someone whose only sexual experience was with a prostitute? Would you rather have someone who is a complete virgin?

I have recently began to consider visiting a prostitute out of desperation. I worry that having this on my record might negatively impact a woman's opinion of me in the event I actually do find a real girlfriend someday. What do the women on SPW think?

Thanks for your feedback in advance.

I would not judge a man or like him any less if I knew he has been with a prostitute. There are limits, of course because there are men who pay for sex with women who are forced into prostitution. I'd be completely disgusted with such a man. I would also be uncofortable to know that a man had been with a junkie prostitute(s). Again, I don't judge a man who pays for sex as well all have our needs, but I couldn't be with a man who at some point picked up some beat up, diseased truck-stop prostitute. I respect a man who has standards.

Your sexual past is your business and if you don't feel comfortable discussing it with your partner, then you should simply not say anything.

I had a boyfriend who had been to the city brothel and I didn't have a problem with this. However, an ex girlfriend of his freaked out when she found out. He was relieved that I was understanding and didn't freak out or make him feel bad for having paid for sex.

In the past, I have said that I would rather have an experienced partner, but the more I learn, the more I realize that being with a less experienced or virgin partner cannot be all that bad. When it comes to sex, the most important thing is that a person be open-minded, willing to try new things, and also be attentive to their likes/dislikes/needs as well as those of their partner. Even the most inexperienced person can learn the how tos and become a skilled sexual partner.

In the end I wouldn't mind either a virgin or a man who had paid for sex.


Well-known member
Let's say you just started dating someone and the subject of sex comes up. What would you think of someone whose only sexual experience was with a prostitute? Would you rather have someone who is a complete virgin?

I have recently began to consider visting a prostitute out of desperation. I worry that having this on my record might negatively impact a woman's opinion of me in the event I actually do find a real girlfriend someday. What do the women on SPW think?

Thanks for your feedback in advance.

I don't think it's likely it would come up with me. I've my own sexual history and I don't see any need for my current one to know about it, no matter how permanent we are. I don't believe in playing the 'I was a virgin before I met you' thing: it hints at possessiveness and a lack of relationship maturity and I'm going to leave that particular tangent now before I get too much on my soapbox about it.

If I had a new partner who told me he'd seen a prostitute before, then I wouldn't be offended. I'd ensure I used condoms with him until we were permanent enough to both get tested, but I'd do the same if he'd had sex with women who hadn't been in the trade.

Nah, wouldn't bother me, mate. If he had a long history of seeing them a lot then I'd start to wonder whether dating him was a good idea (used to sleeping with many women rather than sticking to just one; hints at possible inability to maintain a relationship, etc.) but I'd factor that into what I already knew of him.
You can visit a prostitute to experience.. But if your future girlfriend will notice it she could really react negatively. Because lots of people dont like that world.. So yeah. But won't you rather have sex with someone you love?
Just wait for that time you know


Well-known member
You know how prostitutes say they dont like the sex with the tricks, the sex isnt so great for the trick either. my step dad has alot of perverted friends i hear em talking lol. but really if you want a prostitute you dont need to tell your girl about it. you shouldnt talk about past sex life with a girlfriend. who you have sex with is between you and that person no one else, unless you're cheating but thats different. id say you should go for a one night stand over a prostitute tho. atleast its free wack sex for both of you and youd never have to see eachother again. also if you just want to go with a girl you care about you dont need to tell you're a virgin. most guys dont know how to have sex anyways. she wont know your a virgin unless you say so.


Well-known member
I'd prefer a virgin. At least the feeling would be mutual and I wouldn't be as anxious knowing we're both on the same boat, being inexperienced and all.


that is very interesting to me. i would mostly be worried about std's that you may have contracted from the prostitute. i'm not like most girls, i have a very open mind. but i probably wouldn't even mention it to the future girlfriend that your only sexual experience was with a prostitute until you guys are truly connected and trust each other